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Thread: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

  1. #26

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Argentine's change of wealth started with the change of culture.

    The Peronists allowed a huge wave of Southern Italians in during the 50s and 60s to work in the docks. Mafia culture and lazy culture was rife. This then fed into the low grade politicians they started to produce. The Peronists gained with the huge swathe of Italian dock workers voting for them, with increasingly huge breeding patterns with their families. Before they arrived, the Argentines had accumulated their wealthy status of "Fourth Richest in the World" by working hard and saving. There used to be a saying back then "As rich as an Argentine". But the Southern Italian culture took over the capital Buenos Aires. That original Argentine culture became the minority.

    It is an amazing story, and very similar to the old anecdote of family wealth. "The grandad made it. The son preserved it. The grandson blew it". Classic case, writ large.

  2. #27

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    Oh dear. Should they produce diversity statistics to measure it all? "Get that Woke-O-Meter fired up darling, and let's make the statistics look good".

    Listen Chumski. There is a good reason for it, and it's called history. Not your favourite subject after Marxism and Maggie I know, but here's a little clue.

    Brazil: Formerly indians, and invaded by the Portuguese. They used a lot of black slavery to hack the sugar cane and coffee, and mixed with native Indians and dark skinned Portuguese. No secrets there. Oddly, they are darker. Weird, that. But if you go to Sao Paolo, and the areas to the West, there are as many Germans and Swedes there too. They also had the same lack of extradition laws like Argentina for war criminals. It is just that the percentage of population is less. They tend to me quiet and run manufacturing businesses. Alisson Becker came from German family.

    Argentina: invaded mainly by North Italians, French, Spanish and British. The British build their railways, set up football clubs, rugby clubs, polo clubs and tennis clubs. Later after World War II, a few Nazi Swedes and Germans also. Mostly fair skinned. Not much black slaves used because the country is small with less dense populations in the South due to it being barren and cold.

    If you are suggesting racism is at the heart of it, I suggest you consider migration patterns and history. The Nazi emigration story is true, but the numbers are quite small as a percentage of the population. That said, I have travelled South America, spent a month in Argentina and a month in Brazil. If you want to find the descendants of Nazis you go to Pucon in Chile and Bariloche in Argentina. It is full of descendants of German/Swiss emigres, and you see lots of stories in libraries or plaques stating how their families left between 1944-1948 "for a better life" or some nonsense. Stunning places, but people there appear so cagey compared to your average Argentine / Chilean for sure.
    Thank you very much for that Google inspired waffle. You think you are very intelligent but copy and paste and a few I spent a week backpacking chortles are simply not going to cut it .

    I wasn't suggesting racism was an issue on a major scale here even though you have tried to imply I was saying it was .

  3. #28

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
    I think you have just handed SLUDGE a new R Sole as well as a history lesson 😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Good afternoon Joseph Mengele

    You are rapidly moving into the right wing

    Don't trip over

  4. #29

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Thank you very much for that Google inspired waffle. You think you are very intelligent but copy and paste and a few I spent a week backpacking chortles are simply not going to cut it .

    I wasn't suggesting racism was an issue on a major scale here even though you have tried to imply I was saying it was .
    Yep I have been there. Been to ten countries in Latin America. Just because you spent your life dogging around Cowbridge, and on the bus up and down the M4, doesn't mean others have led the same life. Plenty of other folk have travelled too. Take the chip off your shoulder now laddie. Or is it more like a full heavy bag of Maris Pipers?

  5. #30

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
    I think you have just handed SLUDGE a new R Sole as well as a history lesson ������������
    Aye, just another regular day on CCMB. Lecture delivered. Pupil doesn't like it though. Any whiff of knowledge and it is "Googled" apparently. Common accusation. Shoulderoo, Chiperoo, you know how he flows. Nothing new under the sun there.

  6. #31

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    Aye, just another regular day on CCMB. Lecture delivered. Pupil doesn't like it though. Any whiff of knowledge and it is "Googled" apparently. Common accusation. Shoulderoo, Chiperoo, you know how he flows. Nothing new under the sun there.
    It’s like the climate change experts on here , who think having cavity wall insulation is new tech. FFS

    The go to Insult when you have a different opinion is either “ you’ve googled it” “ you’re a multi “ or “you’re right wing”

  7. #32

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    Yep I have been there. Been to ten countries in Latin America. Just because you spent your life dogging around Cowbridge, and on the bus up and down the M4, doesn't mean others have led the same life. Plenty of other folk have travelled too. Take the chip off your shoulder now laddie. Or is it more like a full heavy bag of Maris Pipers?

    Bugger off back to low level work as a financial advisor

  8. #33

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    Aye, just another regular day on CCMB. Lecture delivered. Pupil doesn't like it though. Any whiff of knowledge and it is "Googled" apparently. Common accusation. Shoulderoo, Chiperoo, you know how he flows. Nothing new under the sun there.
    Shut it Adolf

  9. #34

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    It’s like the climate change experts on here , who think having cavity wall insulation is new tech. FFS

    The go to Insult when you have a different opinion is either “ you’ve googled it” “ you’re a multi “ or “you’re right wing”

    Let's be honest here

    When you spend most of your time talking like a bargain basement Donald trump libertarian and then admit you are a raving conservative people are going to give you a roasting

  10. #35

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Let's be honest here

    When you spend most of your time talking like a bargain basement Donald trump libertarian and then admit you are a raving conservative people are going to give you a roasting
    I dont mind you giving me a roasting in here because you can give as good as you get

  11. #36

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    I dont mind you giving me a roasting in here because you can give as good as you get
    The bloke who wrote a lot of books is a tory boy

    Quite a lot of ex football chaps are

    I find it 😂

  12. #37
    International Heathblue's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Good afternoon Joseph Mengele

    You are rapidly moving into the right wing

    Don't trip over
    Sorry to disappoint, but having to live through 3 years of brown shirted
    Nazi kunts like this (just a random), there are 1,000's of them, and many on here,
    You can call me whatever you want, f*cks i give = zero.
    Your lot didn't break me, there were times when it was tough TBF.
    I'd advise you to buy in bulk
    1. Bog Roll
    2. Masks
    3. Test kits
    the next Scamdemic is being prepared.
    People like yourself used to fight back against governments, now you just bend over like Doug


  13. #38

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
    Sorry to disappoint, but having to live through 3 years of brown shirted
    Nazi kunts like this (just a random), there are 1,000's of them, and many on here,
    You can call me whatever you want, f*cks i give = zero.
    Your lot didn't break me, there were times when it was tough TBF.
    I'd advise you to buy in bulk
    1. Bog Roll
    2. Masks
    3. Test kits
    the next Scamdemic is being prepared.
    People like yourself used to fight back against governments, now you just bend over like Doug

    It would probably be easier just to sit in the garden shed and drink cans

  14. #39

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    It’s like the climate change experts on here , who think having cavity wall insulation is new tech. FFS

    The go to Insult when you have a different opinion is either “ you’ve googled it” “ you’re a multi “ or “you’re right wing”

    Or you don’t provide any links to back up your claims and the multi accusation has to right with you if you were posting on here in the spring of 2020 like you claim you were.

  15. #40

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Or you dont provide any links to back up your claims and the multi accusation has to right with you if you were posting on here in the spring of 2020 like you claim you were.
    Ive told you I was an avid reader that was all and had an account years ago when posters like TVB , caliburn etc was active

    Dont you think its a bit weird that the same three insults are being banded about all the time ?

    Fwiw if people want a reset by opening another account then its up to them though and at times the way the pile ons target certain accounts its understandable

  16. #41

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    It would probably be easier just to sit in the garden shed and drink cans
    As you can see by completely sidestepping the Twitter comments seen in HeathBlue's post, the real Stalinism in the above post, and the slew of likewise commentaries from Hard left Stalins online - that this approach by behind-the-curtaints politicians, is absolutely OK. Forcing compliance. It is fine and acceptable, and screw the populations opinions.

  17. #42

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by Keyser Soze View Post
    As you can see by completely sidestepping the Twitter comments seen in HeathBlue's post, the real Stalinism in the above post, and the slew of likewise commentaries from Hard left Stalins online - that this approach by behind-the-curtaints politicians, is absolutely OK. Forcing compliance. It is fine and acceptable, and screw the populations opinions.
    Heathblue is a raving mad libertarian conspiracy theory nutcase

    And you are a rabid right wing tory

    A bit of osmosis and you will be holding hands

  18. #43
    International Heathblue's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Heathblue is a raving mad libertarian conspiracy theory nutcase

    And you are a rabid right wing tory

    A bit of osmosis and you will be holding hands
    Whereas you are a brown shirted NAZI, go and have a spliff with Adolf and have a chat about shitting on the people forcing them into experimental treatments. 👍

  19. #44

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Heathblue is a raving mad libertarian conspiracy theory nutcase

    And you are a rabid right wing tory

    A bit of osmosis and you will be holding hands
    Didnt you want unvaccinated people denied access to healthcare and forced to undertake jobs as punishment - even though the said vaccine didnt prevent transmission - sounds auspiciously familiar ideology- and looks like you self appointed yourself as a government deputy.

    You werent one of these people who asked strangers where their masks were were you

  20. #45

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
    Whereas you are a brown shirted NAZI, go and have a spliff with Adolf and have a chat about shitting on the people forcing them into experimental treatments. 👍
    You lot are paranoid nutcases who invaded accident and emergency hospitals after reading something sent to you on Facebook

    Absolutely potty

  21. #46

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    Didnt you want unvaccinated people denied access to healthcare and forced to undertake jobs as punishment - even though the said vaccine didnt prevent transmission - sounds auspiciously familiar ideology- and looks like you self appointed yourself as a government deputy.

    You werent one of these people who asked strangers where their masks were were you
    Yes and yes

  22. #47

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Yes and yes
    That my friend is why people cant take you seriously, you would turn your own neighbour in would you .. hmmmmmm

    Looks like the government propaganda machine got you good and proper.

  23. #48
    International Heathblue's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    That my friend is why people cant take you seriously, you would turn your own neighbour in would you .. hmmmmmm

    Looks like the government propaganda machine got you good and proper.
    In a nutshell, virtuous to the bone but just a shithouse, not a very nice human being.

  24. #49

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
    In a nutshell, virtuous to the bone but just a shithouse, not a very nice human being.
    Now stop being silly you daft old sod

  25. #50

    Re: Don't Cry For Me Argentina

    Perhaps Milei will have more luck than many believe. We'll see. There are some boosts ahead that even I was not aware of....


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