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Thread: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

  1. #1

    Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Stevo has raised the following points, please try and park the usual insults and give your own reason as to why you believe what you believe. Many thanks:-

    1. "Some of course go as far as believing the Earth is only 4000 years old" - I believe Stevo means 6000 years as the Biblical account gives us around 4000 years of history BEFORE Christ, right back to Adam. What has convinced you that you have solid evidence to tell others how old the earth actually is?

    2. "In my case, Catholic. But this is irrelevant. It doesn't matter what faith you have - the impact that it has on you is no different to that on any other person with faith of any religion"
    (a) Is it true that all religions produce similar behaviour in their followers?
    (b) Is there a difference between very religious Christians and other Christians who reject man-made religion and follow/ trust in God's Word in it's given context?

    3. Do many Bible believing Christian's deny the evidence of dinosaurs?
    I certainly have no problem with the existence of such creatures and have often pointed out where the Bible points to them?

    4. Is there a more logical starting point than Adam & Eve?
    If so, then please provide the proof that agnostics demand from Bible believing theists...

    Our thanks to Stevo for his original comments - please address any or all of the above

  2. #2

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Not answering your questions but on Sunday I visited the Khor Virap monastery in the foothills of Mount Ararat. Mount Ararat is in Turkey as a result of the Ottoman Empire's ethnic and religious cleansing of the Armenians in the early 20th Century.

    Within two miles of where we were standing were the borders of Turkey, Iran and Azerbaijan, all Muslim states. Whilst all recognise Noah as a prophet in the Koran all have different landing places for his Ark. Still, given that according to the Bible Noah was 500 years old when he had his first son and died 350 years after the flood at the ripe old age of 950 I guess explaining away the dinosaurs should be a doddle!

  3. #3

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Not answering your questions but on Sunday I visited the Khor Virap monastery in the foothills of Mount Ararat. Mount Ararat is in Turkey as a result of the Ottoman Empire's ethnic and religious cleansing of the Armenians in the early 20th Century.

    Within two miles of where we were standing were the borders of Turkey, Iran and Azerbaijan, all Muslim states. Whilst all recognise Noah as a prophet in the Koran all have different landing places for his Ark. Still, given that according to the Bible Noah was 500 years old when he had his first son and died 350 years after the flood at the ripe old age of 950 I guess explaining away the dinosaurs should be a doddle!
    No need to explain away the dinosaurs at all, there are examples of land and water based dinosuars in the text, the only reason that the Bible doesn't call them dinosaurs as we do are this; the word dino-saur (terrible lizard) was invented in the 1840's (see *below), and the main translation of the Bible happened between the 1300's and 1600's, therefore the word was not yet available.

    The reasons why humans lived much longer before the flood is both genetic and enviromental, I would be more than happy to take questions on that should you be interested.

    * Richard Owen coined the word Dinosaur (originally Dinosauria) in 1841 and it originates from two greek words deinos terrible, powerful, wondrous and sauros lizard. Before 1841 we think people just called them dragons!

  4. #4

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Not answering your questions but on Sunday I visited the Khor Virap monastery in the foothills of Mount Ararat. Mount Ararat is in Turkey as a result of the Ottoman Empire's ethnic and religious cleansing of the Armenians in the early 20th Century.

    Within two miles of where we were standing were the borders of Turkey, Iran and Azerbaijan, all Muslim states. Whilst all recognise Noah as a prophet in the Koran all have different landing places for his Ark. Still, given that according to the Bible Noah was 500 years old when he had his first son and died 350 years after the flood at the ripe old age of 950 I guess explaining away the dinosaurs should be a doddle!
    So Armenians border also meets the borders of Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan?

  5. #5

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    So Armenians border also meets the borders of Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan?
    Yes, at that narrow point where the borders are all within a couple of miles of each other close to Mount Ararat. You could see where the churches ended and the mosques and minarets started. It also borders Georgia to the north but much further away.

  6. #6

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Yes, at that narrow point where the borders are all within a couple of miles of each other close to Mount Ararat. You could see where the churches ended and the mosques and minarets started. It also borders Georgia to the north but much further away.

    Hot and arid in the summer

    Freezing in the winter ?

  7. #7

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    Stevo has raised the following points, please try and park the usual insults and give your own reason as to why you believe what you believe. Many thanks:-

    1. "Some of course go as far as believing the Earth is only 4000 years old" - I believe Stevo means 6000 years as the Biblical account gives us around 4000 years of history BEFORE Christ, right back to Adam. What has convinced you that you have solid evidence to tell others how old the earth actually is?

    2. "In my case, Catholic. But this is irrelevant. It doesn't matter what faith you have - the impact that it has on you is no different to that on any other person with faith of any religion"
    (a) Is it true that all religions produce similar behaviour in their followers?
    (b) Is there a difference between very religious Christians and other Christians who reject man-made religion and follow/ trust in God's Word in it's given context?

    3. Do many Bible believing Christian's deny the evidence of dinosaurs?
    I certainly have no problem with the existence of such creatures and have often pointed out where the Bible points to them?

    4. Is there a more logical starting point than Adam & Eve?
    If so, then please provide the proof that agnostics demand from Bible believing theists...

    Our thanks to Stevo for his original comments - please address any or all of the above
    Sorry Truthpaste, I’ve only just realised you have started a new thread. Before I respond, I assume based on your post above that you believe the Noah’s Ark story to be true also? And would you be willing to state which Christian denomination you belong to? Thanks.

  8. #8

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    Sorry Truthpaste, I’ve only just realised you have started a new thread. Before I respond, I assume based on your post above that you believe the Noah’s Ark story to be true also? And would you be willing to state which Christian denomination you belong to? Thanks.
    No problem Stevo, as I've just stated elsewhere, I am in a Free Evangelical Church so we accept the Bible in it's given *context and we expext it to line up with all CONFIRMED History and Scientific discoveries.

    So the Ark did rescue eight people, and this is confirmed outside the Bible too.

    *That doesn't mean 'literal', it means like with any text, we take each phrase in the context in which it is written. Hope that makes sense, if not then please feel free to ask me to explain further.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    That's Ark of the truth

  10. #10

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    No problem Stevo, as I've just stated elsewhere, I am in a Free Evangelical Church
    Is that like Kings in Newport? I went there once for someone’s baptism. Heavy stuff and a bit creepy. And to me it seemed all about the money.

    I also had an evangelical work colleague once and her views on the Catholic Church were um, interesting. She used to make harmless digs at me because of my catholic background. She then left work to do a degree in Divinity at Cardiff Uni and by the end of the course she had converted to Catholicism.

  11. #11

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    Is that like Kings in Newport? I went there once for someone’s baptism. Heavy stuff and a bit creepy. And to me it seemed all about the money.

    I also had an evangelical work colleague once and her views on the Catholic Church were um, interesting. She used to make harmless digs at me because of my catholic background. She then left work to do a degree in Divinity at Cardiff Uni and by the end of the course she had converted to Catholicism.
    Now missing

  12. #12

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    Is that like Kings in Newport? I went there once for someones baptism. Heavy stuff and a bit creepy. And to me it seemed all about the money.

    I also had an evangelical work colleague once and her views on the Catholic Church were um, interesting. She used to make harmless digs at me because of my catholic background. She then left work to do a degree in Divinity at Cardiff Uni and by the end of the course she had converted to Catholicism.
    Well I can confirm that in the 50+ years I have attended the main weekly meeting that we never have a collection and we certainly don't mention anything about people giving. These days people can set up a D/D if they wish and all giving is always confidential.

    Catholics can also be Christians, however unlike RC's in the States, South America and a few other places, in the UK that combination is very rare.

  13. #13

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Kings Church was an example of where things can go very wrong sadly. I went there a few times and it seemed to me that the congregation worshipped the pastor rather than Jesus. In fact there was a rather acrimonious split IIRC.

    I attend a house church now, back to how it should be as in the early days of Christianity (ref Acts of the Apostles)

  14. #14

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    So, if you follow the bible religiously, are you not supposed to give over one tenth of your earnings to the church?

  15. #15
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    So, if you follow the bible religiously, are you not supposed to give over one tenth of your earnings to the church?
    If you follow the bible 'religiously' (the Old Testament bits about mutilating and murdering people who don't follow the rules of your cult) you will (or should) end up in prison for life with no hope of parole!

  16. #16

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Why are people Christian as opposed to Muslim, Hindu or a Scientologist? Why do you worship your god instead of Zeus or the sun god the Aztecs worshipped?

    If every copy of the bible and all knowledge of Christianity disappeared it wouldn't spawn back into existence magically.

    There have been hundreds or thousands of religions, but your one is correct?

    But to answer some of your questions.

    1. Radiometric dating, the Earth is 4.5 billion years old roughly, it's no longer up for debate.

    4. Can you prove to me there isn't the existence of a flying spaghetti monster in the sky? Exactly. You're making the claim Adam and Eve spawned into existence, the burden of proof is on you.

    If Jesus came along today he'd be persecuted by the media and Christians for being a socialist.

  17. #17

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Why are people Christian as opposed to Muslim, Hindu or a Scientologist? Why do you worship your god instead of Zeus or the sun god the Aztecs worshipped?

    If every copy of the bible and all knowledge of Christianity disappeared it wouldn't spawn back into existence magically.

    There have been hundreds or thousands of religions, but your one is correct?

    But to answer some of your questions.

    1. Radiometric dating, the Earth is 4.5 billion years old roughly, it's no longer up for debate.

    4. Can you prove to me there isn't the existence of a flying spaghetti monster in the sky? Exactly. You're making the claim Adam and Eve spawned into existence, the burden of proof is on you.

    If Jesus came along today he'd be persecuted by the media and Christians for being a socialist.
    I assume you mean if it was for the first time? If so, then maybe. I rather think he would be deemed an idealist, patted on the head, and quietly ignored. More sympathetic folk might say "aw bless him, he means well" but then just carry on as normal.

    But of course, the second coming... that'll be something else!

  18. #18

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Why are people Christian as opposed to Muslim, Hindu or a Scientologist? Why do you worship your god instead of Zeus or the sun god the Aztecs worshipped?

    If every copy of the bible and all knowledge of Christianity disappeared it wouldn't spawn back into existence magically.

    There have been hundreds or thousands of religions, but your one is correct?

    But to answer some of your questions.

    1. Radiometric dating, the Earth is 4.5 billion years old roughly, it's no longer up for debate.

    4. Can you prove to me there isn't the existence of a flying spaghetti monster in the sky? Exactly. You're making the claim Adam and Eve spawned into existence, the burden of proof is on you.

    If Jesus came along today he'd be persecuted by the media and Christians for being a socialist.
    The reason why people are Christian or Muslim or Catholic or whatever is almost exclusively just an accident of birth and geography

    Born in the texas bible belt of Christian republican parents who force you to go to church ........you certainly are unlikely to be a Muslim or a Catholic

    Born in a Kibbutz to strict Jewish settlers who are exiles from Belgium ? You are going to be Jewish

    Either way , religion rarely comes from self discovery , it comes from the environment of family , parents , school , friends etc

    It's a complete cult , all of it

  19. #19

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    So, if you follow the bible religiously, are you not supposed to give over one tenth of your earnings to the church?
    In the Old Testament, as the Levitical priests were the civil government, tithes (10%) were required taxes for funding the national budget in Israel. By the New Testament, Christians were not commanded to tithe anymore but rather encouraged to voluntarily give to the church (and to God) in proportion to their wealth.

  20. #20

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    The reason why people are Christian or Muslim or Catholic or whatever is almost exclusively just an accident of birth and geography

    Born in the texas bible belt of Christian republican parents who force you to go to church ........you certainly are unlikely to be a Muslim or a Catholic

    Born in a Kibbutz to strict Jewish settlers who are exiles from Belgium ? You are going to be Jewish

    Either way , religion rarely comes from self discovery , it comes from the environment of family , parents , school , friends etc

    It's a complete cult , all of it
    Yes, Saul (Paul) assumed the people of THE WAY (an early name for followers of Christ before they were first known as Christians in Antioch) were just a cult, however those who had found the real Jesus were then proven to be anything but a cult.
    Today some 2000 years later, genuine Christians continue to prove the reality of the Risen Christ on a daily basis.
    If you seriously investigate this yourself then you will find the result is the same.

  21. #21

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    Yes, Saul (Paul) assumed the people of THE WAY (an early name for followers of Christ before they were first known as Christians in Antioch) were just a cult, however those who had found the real Jesus were then proven to be anything but a cult.
    Today some 2000 years later, genuine Christians continue to prove the reality of the Risen Christ on a daily basis.
    If you seriously investigate this yourself then you will find the result is the same.
    The reality of the risen christ ?

    So you think that as a Christian you are going to paradise And eternal life because you were born of parents who were Christian here or in the middle east or in Australia where they tried to wipe out the aborigines to insert Christianity......a nice touch

    And Muslims, Catholics, bhuddists , the Indian tribes in the amazon etc .....are not going

    That's selective and prejudicial.......I thought god loved us all ?

    Just by luck of birthplace or meeting the right holy man on holiday you go to heaven ?


  22. #22

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    The reality of the risen christ ?

    So you think that as a Christian you are going to paradise And eternal life because you were born of parents who were Christian here or in the middle east or in Australia where they tried to wipe out the aborigines to insert Christianity......a nice touch

    And Muslims, Catholics, bhuddists , the Indian tribes in the amazon etc .....are not going

    That's selective and prejudicial.......I thought god loved us all ?

    Just by luck of birthplace or meeting the right holy man on holiday you go to heaven ?

    God will grant everyone sufficient opportunity, don't miss yours because you are wondering how someone in NZ or Africa will get their own! Would you hesitate to grab a ticket for City in the Cup final before you checked if a fan now living in Canada had the ability to obtain a ticket too?
    Like I've told you before, thousands of Muslims in Africa find Christ Jesus every single day, so leave God to sort out the logistics. He isn't without the means and opportunity to reach everyone.

    1. I'm not a Christian because one of my parents was one when I was born, in fact I know many Christian parents who have children who have made the choice to reject Christ and take their chances.
    2. God DOES love us all, but He isn't going to hold you upside down from the top of Brunel House before you accept Him, you need to personally appreciate how much you need Him and make that decision yourself.

  23. #23

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    And if we don’t?

  24. #24

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post

    It's a complete cult , all of it
    Dont think I've ever agreed with anything you've said on here before, but you're 100% correct on this. All religion should be illegal.

  25. #25

    Re: Welsh fans visit Mount Ararat (Armenia) but many still deny the account of Noah?

    Quote Originally Posted by cityhammer View Post
    Dont think I've ever agreed with anything you've said on here before, but you're 100% correct on this. All religion should be illegal.
    Are you a Welsh West Ham fan ?

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