Stevo has raised the following points, please try and park the usual insults and give your own reason as to
why you believe
what you believe. Many thanks:-
"Some of course go as far as believing the Earth is only 4000 years old" - I believe Stevo means 6000 years as the Biblical account gives us around 4000 years of history BEFORE Christ, right back to Adam. What has convinced you that you have solid evidence to tell others how old the earth actually is?
"In my case, Catholic. But this is irrelevant. It doesn't matter what faith you have - the impact that it has on you is no different to that on any other person with faith of any religion"
(a) Is it true that all religions produce similar behaviour in their followers?
(b) Is there a difference between very religious Christians and other Christians who reject man-made religion and follow/ trust in God's Word in it's given context?
3. Do many Bible believing Christian's deny the evidence of dinosaurs?
I certainly have no problem with the existence of such creatures and have often pointed out where the Bible points to them?
4. Is there a more logical starting point than Adam & Eve?
If so, then please provide the proof that agnostics demand from Bible believing theists...
Our thanks to
Stevo for his original comments - please address any or all of the above