The Left wing nutter crew are all over the BBC and have infested it now for a few decades. It's like a viper's nest in there. Their news is not even that informing anymore. It is for children. The language is easy and child like. The news has as much as depth as Sludge Factory's brain - just a few lines here and there and that's it! It used to be educational but it is now for the morass of plebs in the country to gawp at. Throw in the daily dose of LBTBQ+A2S XYZRHFKTLKHT or whatever, anti-muslim victimization stories, anti-gay victimization stories, anti-immigrant victimization stories or the usual menu of favourite woke stories such as how Imran came from Syria and transformed the NHS in Bradford, how the Jews are the only evil ones in Gaza, and there you have it. it is hard to understand what is seriously going on in the world that is both important and relevant.

I pop in to read The Guardian or BBC stories on a Friday usually for a laugh, and it is like reading the news equivalent of "My First Colouring Book". I think Blue Peter circa 1988 used to be more educational and intellectually challenging. There you go, there seems to be a mass market demand for low-IQ news, so keep feeding the pork its much deserved pellets I say. Ignorance keeps them happy, and they're happy to pony up the cash for the licence to keep auto-filling their brains with muck.