Its not 1923 anymore, the world has moved on, and habits are changing

Up to 10 years ago Newsnight was compulsory viewing for me, showered during the news at 10, into bed to watch Newsnight with my Ovaltine. Ever since streaming my routine has gone to pot, but so have Newsnight viewing figures.

Do the BBC have to pay top dollar for the six nations & MoTD ? Does it need four channels and a streaming platform? Should it even be in competition with commercial TV for "talent". Discover someone then if commercial TV want them, let them take them and find the next big thing.

A lot of BBC programmes make money, but the Saturday night fight with ITV needs to stop, the only winner is "the talent". We do need the BBC, but not like the last 100 years, adapt or die and IMO £2 a week is enough when you have to pay when you compare that to the other choices its great value, but thats because not everyone has to pay for Sky or streaming services.