Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
The NHS is the worlds joint 4th largest employer, ahead of it were the US army, Chinese army, Indian state railway and the NHS were joint with approx 1.5 MILLION employees.
If we cant run a health service with that number of people then the system is broken. Having worked in the NHS (Non medical) the amount of wastage is huge - and no one cares as the Govt just picks up the tab. In Wales Health is devolved so it's up to Labour how and where the money is spent - and they are doing a fecking awful job of it. English NHS is not much better - but it is better in terms of service and outcomes.
NHS Wales is an utter basket case in terms of being different for differents sake.

If Labour get in at Westminster - watch out for the fun and games when they try and nationalise every GP practice in the country and turn them into super centres, where every GP is an employee of the NHS.