I had cause to be at the Heath this week gone, I would praise those who looked after the patient (not me BTW) but the place was like a fuking zoo, on arriving at A & E, the very 1st thing witnessed was a lad be frogmarched about in hand cuffs, saying no more but the staff who have to put up this shit I just don't now how they do it, more police in A & E than staff, kicked off last night in the boozer in Newport last night, i had enough Friday night and as a lightweight drank soda water last night and wanted to be aware of what was going on in a not very nice town, it was obvious it was going to kick off and moved my wife and daughter away to another area in the pub before the inevitable happened the bouncers were on it in a flash and it was dealt with very well, the taxi rank in the port was like being being in the Star Wars bar at Mos Eisley, i have two more functions I'm committed to next week, but once they are done that's me finished for going out over the Xmas period.