It is interesting how a statement by just one single famous person like Esther Rantzen can trigger a debate on the subject of assisted dying when all the while organisations like Compassion in Dying and Dignity in Dying have been around for quite some time trying to get M.P.'s to reconsider their stance on this.

I have a friend who is dying slowly from Parkinsons. He is now in a nursing home and we visit him every week. Sadly he is now at the stage where he can no longer walk (or stand up even), has to wear disposable nappies, often chokes when swallowing and is becoming profoundly deaf. He is basically being kept alive (there is no other choice) despite having often expressed a wish that this wasn't the case. The tragedy is that his mind is still active unlike some of the other folk in the home who are completely out of it. The strain on his wife is incredible as she cannot drive and has to rely on others to drive her to the home 3 or 4 times a week (a 32 mile round trip) to visit him. Often when she gets there he cries like a little boy because she won't (can't of course) take him home as there is no way she could care for him. This is very distressing for her.

Earlier this year I joined Dignity in Dying myself because I would hate to end up in my friend's situation and have already told my kids and my wife that I will be campaigning for a change in the law. I know this is a very sensitive issue and would be interested to know the views of other posters on here.