Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
They claim safety. I reckon it's about trying to make roads more of a problem for drivers to force them into alternatives.

In a way they've got a point. Where I live there are virtually no places to park anywhere. I'm in the valleys near Aberdare. The roads around here cannot cope with the traffic on them, yet there are more and more car journeys and owners every year. Where I live I'm lucky if I can park near the house. There aren't options to provide off road parking. Our streets weren't designed for it. Several houses have more than one car per house. There are work vans.

It'll keep getting worse until someone has a solution.
Eric - Caro Wild - labour Councillor at Cardiff city council - was the person behind closing roads , introducing traffic calming (congestion) all over Cardiff. His closure of Castle st on the grounds of air pollution was over turned and the Labour group at the council were forced to re open it (cost 3.8 million). Not to be defeated they then introduced the crazy system we have now - that leads to (ironically) more air pollution.

Mike Welch - Labour activist and ex friend of Caro Wild spilled the beans online - when he said that Caro and the Labour partys plan was to "introduce as much chaos as possible" across Cardiff so that people would give up driving and the policy was that Cardiff become a city of village, where you stay and dont venture anywhere else.

That same policy is backed by Labour at the Senedd and many Labour councils across Wales it seems.