My wife and I were so proud when my son passed his physiotherapy degree and we were really happy when he was offered a post in the NHS starting on January 8.

And I was so pleased to see him go to work this morning.

Sadly my wife was not there to share my happiness.

After being admitted to UHW with a minor stroke at the end of July she was expected home after a few weeks rehab

Unfortunately she picked up a hospital acquired infection followed by kidney problems requiring dialysis.

She fought back from this and in early September we we told she would again be moved to the rehab ward. It would take months this time but we expected she would be home before Christmas.

Two days later she started coughing again. Another hospital acquired infection, this time aspiration pneumonia.

Next day, the hospital told us that she would not recover.

They had told us that, before, 5 or 6 times in the previous few years and each time she has proved them wrong.

Devastatingly, not this time. She had lapsed into unconsciousness and she fought on for over a fortnight, but on 21 September, she stepped through God's open door to join her mum and dad in her eternal rest.

But I am sure she was looking down with pride on my son today.