Me and three other people were put in charge of my late cousins will and estate.
We've done everything by the book.
Sold the house.
Possessions etc and have paid off all his creditors apart from a credit agency who claim he owes £56000 in old credit card debts.

We have asked for proof about two months ago and they said it could take some time to get.

We've since contacted them again and they said its hard to get the proof as the debts were so long ago and it seems they've all been bought by this debt company.

I presume we will have to get a solicitor involved for such a large amount, but is this a case of if they can't give the proof of the debts being taken out then they can't have it?

As executors of the will we are waiting to divide up his estate to his beneficiaries as everything else has been done apart from this stumbling block.
Cheers for any advice