For context - Fujitsu bought ICL. ICL used to make mainframe computers before branching out into being a software house. They were the goto company of choice for the public sector - back in the day.
Fujitsu also had to relinquish their contract with the NHS back along with Accenture when they realised they werent up to the job and didnt have the staff.
This was part of the 6 billion NHS IT spend by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - where they fell into the usual trap of believing just throwing money at a problem will fix it - when it doesnt, it just wastes the tax payers money.
Those 2 idiots plus Ed Balls made the same mistake with the schools rebuilding program - spent over half the budget without even laying 1 brick - if I remember correctly.
Both these projects were scrapped by the conservatives as they were never likely to complete without wasting even more money.
The Horizon project some how seemed to escape.