Ive had to travel to Cardiff a few times recently to see my daughter in Cyncoed Campus, or take my youngest to the dry ski slope in Fairwater and I have to say that Drakeford has well and truly done a number on the roads in Cardiff.

They are ten times worse than the 20mph zones thats been implemented in Merthyr. You city dwellers have been well and truly shafted,

20mph in the large, wide roads in the leafy suburbs from Manor Way, over towards the Heath and Cyncoed.

The worst though has to 20 mph on the main road from Taffs Well, through Morganstown and all the way through Radyr. And also a speed camera at the bottom of the hill coming the other way from Fairwater to Radyr where theres practically no houses and almost impossible to not go above 20mph unless pressing down on the brake.

I think Drakeford sometimes gets a rough deal on here, getting blamed for things to distarct from the failings of Westminster, but he deserves all the abuse he gets for this 20mph pearl of wisdom.

Absolutely bonkers.