Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
OK, so this post isn't directly football-related but I wanted more people to read it than the small number of conspiracy posters on the Alternative Forum - and in this case I believe that there is indeed something to be concerned about regarding Police surveillance.

Leaving Cardiff Central yesterday, I saw a clutch of several hundred demonstrators protesting about the situation in Palestine. The protestors were on the paved area outside the station but about 30 to 40 yards away from where passengers would spill out from the station entrance (which was closed off probably due to the demonstration and were were all herded to the rear exit on arrival).

I walked past the demonstration and decided to observe it from about 15 to 20 metres away and in an area where no-one was standing. I was clearly not actively involved in the stationary demo. To my left and about 10 years away was a policeman filming the demo, with the camera being pointed in the same way as I was looking.
He suddenly caught sight of me observing him out of the corner of his eye and turned the camera 90 degrees to his right and was obviously filming me.

I'm someone who isn't anti-Police and law-abiding but I considered his actions to be intrusive, invasive and the actions of a Police State.

I approached him and asked him assertively as to why he was filming me and he just kept saying, sneeringly, that he was entitled to do so - whereupon a very tall policeman stood directly in front of me as a buffer.

For my part, I think it's akin to Putin's Russia and have made a formal complaint to the Police, not that it will do a lot of good.
Where do you begin ? This so-called 'policing' has increasingly become what seems to be the main role of our modern police force - literally to 'police' the general public rather than serve them.It's an insidious encroachment into peoples' lives.