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Thread: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

  1. #26

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    That is the bottom line
    I think the bottom for most families - is they want a house they can call their own and not be forced out of it when the kids move out and mum and dad no longer need a 4 bed council house. Families also want the security of ownership - I believe anyway.

  2. #27

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    "I think you probably need to pick a lane here" - cheers for the advice - but Im good thanks. Throughout this thread - I think - I tried to see it from all sides.
    So if you want to know my opinion - Raynor is a classic case of DunningKruger when it comes to politics (the Assembly is riddled with them). She is a hypocrite and did what she did because it suited her circumstances rather than her morals. She could make a tidy amount for doing nothing. Or in your eyes a conservative. So maybe Raynor should pick a swim lane - she is either red or blue - rather than cherry pick as it suits her agenda

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    I thought she would be all for letting councils keep their housing stock rather than selling it. So find it strange she bought her own council home with 25% discount and then sold it for a 48% profit
    Lady is top end hypocrite , and a poor politician, good gobby , decent drinking , lefty union rep , incredibly well funded by donors whose interests in her are what ??.

    Names of her donor s:

    21 January: 50,000 from Waheed Ali ??
    22 January: 1,683.21 from GMB union
    22 January: 47,227.58 from GMB union
    26 January: 1,000 from Simeon Honore
    30 January: 25,000 from GMB union
    31 January: 10,000 from Rajesh Agrawal ??
    4 February: 10,000 from USDAW
    11 February: 25,000 from CWU union
    25 February: 2,000 from Mohammed Imran??
    4 March: 25,000 from Trevor Chinn
    5 March: 10,000 from Intro Developments Ltd
    5 March: 25,000 from Martin Taylor
    12 March: 2,500 from Simeon Honore ?????????? have a look at him

  4. #29

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    I think the bottom for most families - is they want a house they can call their own and not be forced out of it when the kids move out and mum and dad no longer need a 4 bed council house. Families also want the security of ownership - I believe anyway.
    What we want is not always what we get

    A lot of people simply cannot afford owning a home

    So council housing was there to ensure they could have a low cost roof over their head

    But the huge government funded discounts used by Thatcher made home ownership a very attractive thing .......which many people even with discounts couldn't afford

    People say socialists are unrealistic living on borrowed money .....well the right to buy cost the country billions on the government bribes offered and billions on the council houses that were sold and never replaced

    If an accountant came in and looked at the public money being spent to bribe people to buy homes and the money needed to replace the homes lost to sales and not replaced he would have told everyone to go and take some medicine and go and lie down

    It doesn't matter that people WANTED to own their own homes .......I WANT to spend a weekend in bed with liz hurley .......but its a dream and never going to happen

    Giving some people the chance to own their own home caused loads of problems for lots of other people by reducing the supply

    It might have been okay if every home sold was replaced by a new one built with the money but it didn't happen

    The conservatives tried to stimulate the right to buy again a few years ago with more lies about building a house every time one was sold but even the dopey public didn't believe their nonsense second time around

  5. #30

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    "I think you probably need to pick a lane here" - cheers for the advice - but Im good thanks. Throughout this thread - I think - I tried to see it from all sides.
    So if you want to know my opinion - Raynor is a classic case of DunningKruger when it comes to politics (the Assembly is riddled with them). She is a hypocrite and did what she did because it suited her circumstances rather than her morals. She could make a tidy amount for doing nothing. Or in your eyes a conservative. So maybe Raynor should pick a swim lane - she is either red or blue - rather than cherry pick as it suits her agenda
    So hold on, is right to buy good or bad?

    Or are you more concerned with what one person did (who very conveniently happens to be a senior labour MP) rather than the policy and subsequent effects?

    This all feels very pointless if you can't even bring yourself to offer an opinion on the policy, especially since everyone in this thread is engaging in good faith.

  6. #31

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Homes are for living in not investment vehicles. The whole idea is rank.

  7. #32

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Lady is top end hypocrite , and a poor politician, good gobby , decent drinking , lefty union rep , incredibly well funded by donors whose interests in her are what ??.

    Names of her donor s:

    21 January: 50,000 from Waheed Ali ??
    22 January: 1,683.21 from GMB union
    22 January: 47,227.58 from GMB union
    26 January: 1,000 from Simeon Honore
    30 January: 25,000 from GMB union
    31 January: 10,000 from Rajesh Agrawal ??
    4 February: 10,000 from USDAW
    11 February: 25,000 from CWU union
    25 February: 2,000 from Mohammed Imran??
    4 March: 25,000 from Trevor Chinn
    5 March: 10,000 from Intro Developments Ltd
    5 March: 25,000 from Martin Taylor
    12 March: 2,500 from Simeon Honore ?????????? have a look at him
    Ever seen this:
    She is so found out she has to put her mask back.

  8. #33

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    So hold on, is right to buy good or bad?

    Or are you more concerned with what one person did (who very conveniently happens to be a senior labour MP) rather than the policy and subsequent effects?

    This all feels very pointless if you can't even bring yourself to offer an opinion on the policy, especially since everyone in this thread is engaging in good faith.
    Right to buy is good - ask just about every ex council house tenant that bought - got that ? - good. Lets move on.
    Someone being against council house right to buy - then go and buy one. That is bad - got that ? - good lets move on.
    Councils not being able to re-invest money from sold council property - bad - got that ? - Lets move on.
    and finally being a political hypocrite - very very bad on any level no matter what party / parliament / assembly / council etc.

  9. #34

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Right to buy is good - ask just about every ex council house tenant that bought - got that ? - good. Lets move on.
    Someone being against council house right to buy - then go and buy one. That is bad - got that ? - good lets move on.
    Councils not being able to re-invest money from sold council property - bad - got that ? - Lets move on.
    and finally being a political hypocrite - very very bad on any level no matter what party / parliament / assembly / council etc.
    It's not good for the people who need council houses to rent or are homeless because unless these houses are replaced they are lost .....forever

    I mean if we start at this basic point then everything else is completely irrelevant

    Bad , no compromise

  10. #35

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Right to buy is good - ask just about every ex council house tenant that bought - got that ? - good. Lets move on.
    Someone being against council house right to buy - then go and buy one. That is bad - got that ? - good lets move on.
    Councils not being able to re-invest money from sold council property - bad - got that ? - Lets move on.
    and finally being a political hypocrite - very very bad on any level no matter what party / parliament / assembly / council etc.
    It's slightly odd to be that arsy when someone asks you your opinion.

    One final question, do you think the discounts offered were too big, too small or about right?

    There's a few reasons to be skeptical of the policy

    Someone could not like selling council properties. Someone else might not think it was good value for money because of the level of discounts.
    Someone else might not mind the above, but might be against the policy of not allowing councils to rebuild 1:1

    I am more interesting in reading views about policy than politicians.

  11. #36

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    It's slightly odd to be that arsy when someone asks you your opinion.

    One final question, do you think the discounts offered were too big, too small or about right?

    There's a few reasons to be skeptical of the policy

    Someone could not like selling council properties. Someone else might not think it was good value for money because of the level of discounts.
    Someone else might not mind the above, but might be against the policy of not allowing councils to rebuild 1:1

    I am more interesting in reading views about policy than politicians.
    Eric you dished out @arsey - and you got @rsey straight back at you.

    Do I think the discounts offered too big, small or about right - I dont know. Did the person I bought a house from offer me a discount - nope. Did the landlord I previously rented from offer me the chance to buy their house at a discount - nope again. In reality - council property included - there is no such thing as a discount - it just means that someone somewhere loses money (in this case - it was the council losing money). Alluding to Sludge's point - it was the wrong decision to not allow re investment from any money made.

    The issue with Raynor is that it now emerges that she this council house as her registered address - whilst living somewhere else - no allowed according to the rules.

  12. #37

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    I was working in a shelter housing advice centre in the early 1990s

    The director who was a really nice guy , on a very good wage, was living in a housing association flat which wasn't his

    He knew a woman that had been given this flat because she was on a low income

    She met a bloke who she moved in with , kept the flat in her name and my boss paid her a basic rent so she was quids in and he could live in a flat close to his work without using his wage to pay for a mortgage ......like everyone else not able to get a housing association or council flat

    It's fraud basically

  13. #38
    International Heathblue's Avatar
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    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I agree it doesn't look good, but my parents had the chance of buying the council house they were renting back in the mid 70s (before Thatcher became Prime Minister) and paid what always struck me as a bargain price for it. The house was left to me, my brother and sister when my parents died and in 2018 we sold it for what was about twenty five times more than what my parents paid for it. Maybe, I'm being stupid here, but if you're saying Angela Raynor was wrong for selling the house at a profit some years after she bought it, were my siblings and I wrong for selling the house left to us for what the market deemed was a fair price?
    A bit of soft disclosure here TOBW, i had a right chuckle on the train coming home
    Civil Service Lumper
    Civil Service Pension
    State Pension
    A bitter sweet house sale proceeds in the sky rocket
    I'm expecting you in about 2 years to also disclose
    a big Lotto win
    If this is the modern day sochalism i just might rejoin for the benefits
    However with the serious hat on, your parents will have been pleased they were able
    help you, brother & sister on their sad passing, it's what most parents want to do
    I've had this awkward discussion with my two already, they know that on my, and Doris's demise
    I will be delighted that I was able to help them I just wish i could do it more now and see the benefits
    but being squeezed by the current Tory wankers, and for balance the preceding labour wankers
    they will have to wait until we are cold in the ground

  14. #39

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    I was working in a shelter housing advice centre in the early 1990s

    The director who was a really nice guy , on a very good wage, was living in a housing association flat which wasn't his

    He knew a woman that had been given this flat because she was on a low income

    She met a bloke who she moved in with , kept the flat in her name and my boss paid her a basic rent so she was quids in and he could live in a flat close to his work without using his wage to pay for a mortgage ......like everyone else not able to get a housing association or council flat

    It's fraud basically
    agreed - and as we know politicians from sides have done it - been caught eventually and some gone to prison.

  15. #40

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    agreed - and as we know politicians from sides have done it - been caught eventually and some gone to prison.
    It's oily

  16. #41

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
    A bit of soft disclosure here TOBW, i had a right chuckle on the train coming home
    Civil Service Lumper
    Civil Service Pension
    State Pension
    A bitter sweet house sale proceeds in the sky rocket
    I'm expecting you in about 2 years to also disclose
    a big Lotto win
    If this is the modern day sochalism i just might rejoin for the benefits
    However with the serious hat on, your parents will have been pleased they were able
    help you, brother & sister on their sad passing, it's what most parents want to do
    I've had this awkward discussion with my two already, they know that on my, and Doris's demise
    I will be delighted that I was able to help them I just wish i could do it more now and see the benefits
    but being squeezed by the current Tory wankers, and for balance the preceding labour wankers
    they will have to wait until we are cold in the ground

    You don’t know the half of it, why do you think I had to move so far away from Cardiff with my one third share of the money we got from the house I was living in? The move also lost me more than ten thousand pounds - I wanted to stay where I was , but was outvoted.

    I would never have posted a message of that nature to you.

  17. #42
    International Heathblue's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You don’t know the half of it, why do you think I had to move so far away from Cardiff with my one third share of the money we got from the house I was living in? The move also lost me more than ten thousand pounds - I wanted to stay where I was , but was outvoted.

    I would never have posted a message of that nature to you.
    Apologies you saw it that way, it certainly wasn't intentional, I think Dan is right after being demonized for 3 years or so my mind is no longer at a place to be on public forums, so again apologies. I think this is the catalyst to move on from public forums and call a lid on it.

  18. #43

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
    Apologies you saw it that way, it certainly wasn't intentional, I think Dan is right after being demonized for 3 years or so my mind is no longer at a place to be on public forums, so again apologies. I think this is the catalyst to move on from public forums and call a lid on it.
    Best put a day on it.....

  19. #44

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
    Apologies you saw it that way, it certainly wasn't intentional, I think Dan is right after being demonized for 3 years or so my mind is no longer at a place to be on public forums, so again apologies. I think this is the catalyst to move on from public forums and call a lid on it.
    There's no need to do that and thanks for your apology. You do seem to have changed though in recent years, not surprising really I suppose, you've been through a lot based on what you've said on here - we all have to a degree, but you've had it worse than many. For myself, I don't see the humour in situations as quickly or as often as I did before the pandemic and am quicker to take offence than I once was, but you touched on a bit of a sore subject with the house I'm afraid - it would have been better if I'd not bought it up.

  20. #45

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Guys, you never find me going off on one. I'm the epitome of cool, calm, and collected. Nothing emotional posted. Always reasoned. And.......... delusional.

    Seriously...life's too short. It's just a football forum and we're all going through various forms of shit irl so things spill over. I took an 18-month sabbatical after a meltdown. There's a lot I don't find funny anymore and there are things that make me want to go postal but at the end of the day...it's just some words on a screen. I'm trying to get better at remembering that. None of what goes on here matters. It's just a place to hang out occasionally.

    Anyway. I found it helped to just know that I am superior to everyone else and only my opinions matter as they are the new facts.

    Radical love.

  21. #46

    Re: Angela Rayner is she in favour of protecting council homes

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    Guys, you never find me going off on one. I'm the epitome of cool, calm, and collected. Nothing emotional posted. Always reasoned. And.......... delusional.

    Seriously...life's too short. It's just a football forum and we're all going through various forms of shit irl so things spill over. I took an 18-month sabbatical after a meltdown. There's a lot I don't find funny anymore and there are things that make me want to go postal but at the end of the day...it's just some words on a screen. I'm trying to get better at remembering that. None of what goes on here matters. It's just a place to hang out occasionally.

    Anyway. I found it helped to just know that I am superior to everyone else and only my opinions matter as they are the new facts.

    Radical love.

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