Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
Starmer has been shafted - he cant be seen to be supporting Palestine in the way he and most of Labour have been - he will be labelled anti semite. If he doesnt come out and support Palestine / Hamas he will lose a large majority of votes in the red wall Asian seats - who lets be honest are pro Palestine and Anti Israel.

He will try and flip flop his way through this, just like he did with his pledge of 28 billion on green policies - and then dropped it all.
Interesting times ahead for the lawyer - Im sure his personality will erm guide him....

Reform - Sludge what percentage of the vote did Reform UK they get ?
Anyone who thinks Labour will get a decent majority is living on the moon

I predict a hung parliament with Labour having just about the most seats and forming either a minority government or a coalition

He's absolutely hopeless , the Labour party is hopeless and they have shot themselves in the foot again