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Thread: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

  1. #1

    PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

  2. #2

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Our democracy is a target, that's why I have called this emergency broadcast to tell the people of Rochdale to have another go next Thursday and see if you can do it right this time.

  3. #3

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Does he mention Lee Anderson?

  4. #4

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Evil prospers when good men do nothing; so we will now see if the actions that follow are as good as his word.

  5. #5

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
    Does he mention Lee Anderson?
    Or loopy Liz Truss

  6. #6

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Owen Jones responds.

  7. #7

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I think there is a bit more to this than meets the eye. There are certain gov depts that I work with that have upped their security. Sunak making this announcement was definitely not normal and has never happened before that I can recall, all I can say is that it was very interesting why he did and said what he did today, Hope I'm wrong in what I think may be a possibility.

  8. #8

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
    Evil prospers when good men do nothing; so we will now see if the actions that follow are as good as his word.
    And Sunak is a good man? Twitter has plenty of contributors remarking on the irony of our unelected PM banging on about protecting democracy - classic gaslighting.

  9. #9

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    And Sunak is a good man? Twitter has plenty of contributors remarking on the irony of our unelected PM banging on about protecting democracy - classic gaslighting.
    He's not unelected. He is the new leader in the party that won the last general election. Same as Gordon Brown. Same across western Europe.

    Perhaps he was referring to you when he made the point about people making false equivalences between the UK and other countries.

    In this case claiming we have some kind of leader with no democratic mandate which you know yourself is absolute BS Bob

  10. #10

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

  11. #11

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    John Crace. A truly vile individual. His various social media platforms are awash with foul-mouthed rants at anything and everything that doesn't fit with his Islington, Ex Etonian politics.

  12. #12

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    He's not unelected. He is the new leader in the party that won the last general election. Same as Gordon Brown. Same across western Europe.

    Perhaps he was referring to you when he made the point about people making false equivalences between the UK and other countries.

    In this case claiming we have some kind of leader with no democratic mandate which you know yourself is absolute BS Bob
    He is Prime Minister because 202 MPs from his own party voted for him to be. That's not democracy in action and you whatabouting regarding Gordon Brown doesn't change that. -

  13. #13

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    I think there is a bit more to this than meets the eye. There are certain gov depts that I work with that have upped their security. Sunak making this announcement was definitely not normal and has never happened before that I can recall, all I can say is that it was very interesting why he did and said what he did today, Hope I'm wrong in what I think may be a possibility.

    One for the DHOYA’s.

  14. #14
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    John Crace. A truly vile individual. His various social media platforms are awash with foul-mouthed rants at anything and everything that doesn't fit with his Islington, Ex Etonian politics.
    I have never seen his social media posts but when it comes to sketch writing he usually gets it right. In this case it's a bulls eye!

  15. #15
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    I think there is a bit more to this than meets the eye. There are certain gov depts that I work with that have upped their security. Sunak making this announcement was definitely not normal and has never happened before that I can recall, all I can say is that it was very interesting why he did and said what he did today, Hope I'm wrong in what I think may be a possibility.
    Of course there is more to it than meets the eye.

    Have you seen the opinion polls?

    Have you seen the performance of the Tories (and Labour) at Rochdale.

    It is 'painting by numbers' deflection. He can't declare war on Argentina so he has gone for the other staple 'the enemy within'.

    Join up the dots, Gluey!

  16. #16
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    WILTY - Sunak.jpg

    “I once led a political party full of racists, dog whistlers and morons that I couldn’t control, so I held a press conference and blamed the problems on everyone else, but mainly a man most famous for pretending to be a cat.”

  17. #17

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    This is unquestionably the most undemocratic and sinister speech I've ever heard from a UK Prime Minister. Has he utterly no respect for the ballot box?

    His unnerving performance yesterday would have been complete had he worn jackboots and full military regalia.

  18. #18

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    He is Prime Minister because 202 MPs from his own party voted for him to be. That's not democracy in action and you whatabouting regarding Gordon Brown doesn't change that. -
    It absolutely is. That's what happens. The party that won a general election will always choose a leader that way.

    I'd accept opposition to it from a moral high ground more if the same people who refused to accept the biggest electoral vote in history and spent 7 years crying about it and the people who object to parties appointing new PMs wasn't a Venn diagram that is essentially one big circle.

    I also haven't heard you mention this point in respect of Miles v Gething which is going on now and in the country we live in.

    Obviously questioning our democracy to make a party political point is less appealing to you in this instance?!

  19. #19

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    This is unquestionably the most undemocratic and sinister speech I've ever heard from a UK Prime Minister. Has he utterly no respect for the ballot box?

    His unnerving performance yesterday would have been complete had he worn jackboots and full military regalia.
    Although I do think that Tories and Labour should have been more graceful in defeat whilst making their valid criticism of intimidation etc, it does often feel that you reset history at midnight every night!

    Barely a day passes without something being the greatest outrage of your life! 🤣

  20. #20

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I have never seen his social media posts but when it comes to sketch writing he usually gets it right. In this case it's a bulls eye!
    He has - it's what I thought when I watched Sunak's heart rendering polemic last night, just a meandering moan probably the sort of thing you'd deliver to your wife/close friends, not the nation. But a hint of his style can be gleaned even in this article - he then rips into everything he doesn't like - even talking about the PM introducing a '15 minute of hate'. Not forgetting Brexit, the Daily Mail, the Telegraph, Boris Johnston, et al. He also comes across as an absolutely smug Eton tosser !!!

  21. #21

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Sir Keir Starma has just agreed the PM was right in making that address last night.
    Of course if you’re a bog eyed swamp drainer type then it was just a desperate cry for help
    Some people say that Galloway is a great orator just like Hitler was.

  22. #22
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Sir Keir Starma has just agreed the PM was right in making that address last night.
    In the words of that great pschologist, George Galloway: 'Two cheeks of the same arse'.

  23. #23

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Sir Keir Starma has just agreed the PM was right in making that address last night.
    Of course if you’re a bog eyed swamp drainer type then it was just a desperate cry for help
    Some people say that Galloway is a great orator just like Hitler was.
    Sadly, I’m not surprised at all by Starmer’s comments.

  24. #24

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    It absolutely is. That's what happens. The party that won a general election will always choose a leader that way.

    I'd accept opposition to it from a moral high ground more if the same people who refused to accept the biggest electoral vote in history and spent 7 years crying about it and the people who object to parties appointing new PMs wasn't a Venn diagram that is essentially one big circle.

    I also haven't heard you mention this point in respect of Miles v Gething which is going on now and in the country we live in.

    Obviously questioning our democracy to make a party political point is less appealing to you in this instance?!
    To be fair to Johnson, he’s the one Prime Minister out of the last four to have actually won a majority in an election. That’s why we’re not talking about a Blair to Brown, Drakeford to Gethin or even Thatcher to Major type handover here, the Conservatives have taken this country for a joke for years with their convulsions over Europe and have got themselves into a position where they change leaders, and Prime Ministers, at the drop of a hat - incredibly, there serious calls being made by some in the party for a fourth change of Prime Minister in this Parliament, it’s gone beyond the sort of one off handovers we e seen in the past.

  25. #25

    Re: PM rails against 'extremist forces trying to tear us apart'

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    To be fair to Johnson, he’s the one Prime Minister out of the last four to have actually won a majority in an election. That’s why we’re not talking about a Blair to Brown, Drakeford to Gethin or even Thatcher to Major type handover here, the Conservatives have taken this country for a joke for years with their convulsions over Europe and have got themselves into a position where they change leaders, and Prime Ministers, at the drop of a hat - incredibly, there serious calls being made by some in the party for a fourth change of Prime Minister in this Parliament, it’s gone beyond the sort of one off handovers we e seen in the past.
    Johnson got his large mandate from a pledge to "get Brexit done", and then proceeded to deliver Brexit light. Sunak is the current PM because of this mandate.

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