Having been born a very long time ago at St David's Hospital it was natural to be a Bluebird and also have some sentiment towards the Egg.

My first love has always been the City but I'd be lying if I didn't admit to seeing Wales in the 70's at the Arms Park.

The changes (and not for the better) within the WRU, the regions and the clubs have contributed to the mess that the Egg now find themselves in plus the fact that all the negative PR around head injuries etc. means rugby is not a sport you would want your kids or grandkids playing. Watching rugby is frankly dull, they can't get the rules right and it's now about big blokes and stonewall defences. Far too many scrum resets, ping pong kicking, video ref reviews and not much entertainment.

In recent years I've not even bothered watching the Egg and yesterday's beating was of no consequence. I bet Gatland wished he'd not taken on this challenge and frankly the future looks very bleak.

In contrast my blood is Blue and the Ipswich result was magical. I really hope now that confidence is on the up and I for one am prepared to eat some humble pie as I've been somewhat critical of Bulut.

Now trying to work out which game next at the CCS.