Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
I don’t believe in god. I’m not fussed about that debate - you say.
In other words, I'm uncomfortable thinking about Almighty God and I'd rather not focus on my faith, which I am certain isn't religious!
A familiar position, and the denial that comes with it.

As for the claim, "Claiming that god will cause an earthquake under a solar eclipse because the Americans chose the wrong president" is not the issue and it never was. This is more to do with a nation founded on Biblical principles turning against those principles and therefore against God.

I'm certain that you will think this has nothing whatsoever to do with yourself and it won't impact you in any way, and this is where we differ, greatly.

Lastly, why do you think this isssue related to 1999 is a 'wild claim' (?). The average amount of deaths across the WHOLE of Europe in the 20th Century from quakes was less then 39 people per week. Yet in less than one week 17,000 people perished due to a major quake in a country darkened by that total eclipse. If you are so willingly blind that you can't see anything out of the ordinary in that, then why should I spend more time trying to demonstrate something you wish to remain in denial about?
I don’t believe in god. You do. I probably never will and you will probably never relinquish your belief.

Why are you measuring deaths from earthquakes weekly? Do you think earthquakes with fatalities are a weekly occurrence? Why not daily? Why not monthly?

Of the 200,000 deaths in Europe in the 20th century, ~150,000 were from 3. Italy in 1908 and 1915 and Turkey in 1939. Add in the 1999 quake and that number rises to ~170,000.

In the 1999 there were 6 earthquakes globally with fatalities, only 2 of those were in Europe.