Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
All research eventually ends up back in the Championship eh, fascinating!

In the end the way we view such phenomena will be determined by our world view.
If Cardiff City is our world then we will link anything to successive away wins, including the underwear we are wearing.

If our world view involves an almighty being who can choreograph every single astronomical event for any moment in history, then the equation changes considerably.

Some of the previews on the 2024 eclipse have noted that while the 2017 pathway was close to seven places called Salem (meaning peace), on this occasion the pathway is close to seven places with the name Nineveh. Even passing another place called Nineveh in Canada before it heads out across the Atlantic.
The number seven speaks of completion and appears many times in the last book of the Bible, Revelation.

If you attended Sunday School (a comment mainly to people over 60), then you will recall a guy called Jonah heading to the great City of Ninevah (the NYC of it's era) where the people were pagan and not the least bit interested in an Almighty Creator God; not altogether different to most people across most of America, Europe & Asia today.
Jonah had been asked to visit this City and tell them all to repent, and if they didn't then they would perish.
God would destroy their entire City - the full story is HERE.

The remarkable part of the story isn't so much that Jonah hated the Ninevites and ran off in the opposite direction to try and ignore God, paying for a trip on a ship which would take him well away from the City. Neither was it that God saw to it that He was thrown overboard and swallowed by a great fish, nor was it the fact that he was spewed out onto the beach a short walk from Nineveh; it was this, that having heard Jonah, everyone in Nineveh without exception, actually repented!

But why? Why did they listen and respond to a guy smelling like fish and talking about a God they knew very little about?

Until recently it was a bit of a head scratcher, but now we all have access to free Astronomical Software* we can now discover what these former generations experienced in the skies. So using the Hebrew calendar they can work out when Jonah arrived in Ninevah, and shortly before his arrival Nineveh had experienced a total solar eclipse. These were always seen to be a sign of warning in most cultures, so when Jonah appeared, they were primed for his preaching, and the entire City - the people of Nineveh believed God's message. The Bible records it like this:-

"So they decided that everyone should fast, and all the people, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth to show that they had repented" - Jonah 3v5.

While this may be a warning to the USA in their year of choosing their next leader, there may be a more permanent 'leader' that they (and the rest of the world) should be trusting in?

We all get to cast our vote, and then live with the consequences.
Cool story. Wanna try answering my post next time?