Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
What is the source of your 'today' quote?

Major cancer charities as well as the NHS all say the same thing about relative risks:


Despite that I would not be surprised to learn that vaping causes serious health damage (even cancer from the vape chemicals) - but it would not be the same damage or the same carcinogens as from tobacco.

How long have vapes been around? We won't know the long-term effects for sure for decades.

The quote comes from The Times, which is behind a paywall


The headline is:

Vaping ‘linked to cancer and damages body like smoking’
Scientists said a landmark study showed that e-cigarettes ‘might not be as harmless as originally thought’

I can get the start of the article through 12ft.io (paywall avoiding website). It's cut off mid sentence by the website, not me.

People who vape suffer similar changes to their DNA as smokers who develop cancer, researchers have revealed.

Scientists at University College London analysed samples of cheek cells from vape users and compared these with those from cigarette smokers. Both groups had similar changes to the DNA of cells in their mouth.

These changes were, in turn, linked to the future development of lung cancer in smokers.

The authors of the study, published in the journal Cancer Research, said the findings did not prove e-cigarettes cause cancer but show that “the devices might not be as harmless as originally thought”.

It is the first major study to draw a link between e-cigarettes and an increased risk of
That should be enough info to find the scientific paper, if anyone is interested.

The NHS website in the OP says in a big yellow box with large letters at the top "Vaping is not completely harmless. We only recommend it for adult smokers, to support quitting smoking and staying quit.", and the full paragraph the quote comes from is:

In 2022, UK experts reviewed the international evidence and found that "in the short and medium-term, vaping poses a small fraction of the risks of smoking".

It would be interesting to know if the vape users in the study had previously been cigarette smokers, but I would imagine that they had control groups to allow for it. To me, I'd say the positions of the NHS page and the Times article (from what I could read of it) are closer than the OP suggests.