Quote Originally Posted by Mr Soul '68 View Post
From memory City had bought Sala a ticket for a flight from Nantes to Heathrow and were sending a car up to Heathrow to pick him up. if this was the case (can anyone back me up here) he wouldn't have had the hassle of finding his own way from Bristol (as I'm pretty sure he was not flying into that airport). Also it's not much of a problem getting off the plane, queuing for the passport check, and collecting his own luggage. You make that sound like a major chore. Have you ever flown? Also, I fly several times per year and I am yet at 64 years old, to sit next to someone unwashed, either at an airport waiting area to board a flight nor sitting on a plane. The flight was 45 minutes (think) not 27 hours
I thought we had offered to buy him a ticket but he rejected our offer.