Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
Labour (Louise Haigh) nationalisation plans specifically exclude rolling stock and (I think) the track. It is just about bringing the operations of the train operating companies back into public control as and when the contracts expire.

Not sure of the rationale for this half and half plan - though assume it is so they can say it will not cost a penny (and will make big savings for the Treasury). The figure they are using is £2.2 billion per year after 5 years. With that they should be able to buy back the trains and track too - and have an integrated transport system.

It will make a change from the government temporarily nationalising routes when train franchises fail and then giving them away again when they have recovered. Or in other words a change from nationalising debt and privatising profit. Or in other words a change from tax payers subsidising shareholders. Or in other words parasite capitalism.
FOCs have to pay franchise fees whereas the state, when it takes over a franchise, does not. That's how the taxpayer recoups there money.

Anyway, I digress from the point I was making. Whether you believe in state or privately run is moot, what we really need is massive infrastructure investment in public works, public infrastructure, integrated bus, rail, light rail. These works creates jobs, wealth and improves productivity. Whatever happened to Labour being the party of investment - investment is what this country is crying out for.

We've seen how the Tories dithered over HS2, and whilst I'm not discussing the merits of HS2 or otherwise, its clear the Tories don't have a plan to invest in the UKs future.