Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
I tuned into an American baseball game the other day by mistake. Firstly, like all American games the screen was awash with numbers and stats. Then the 'hitter' took a swipe at the ball and missed twice, but was given another couple of goes. I wasn't sure if he was 'out', but then just strolled to 1st base. The commentary was just gibberish. [to me, anyway]. totally weird.
Don't know the rules of baseball, then? The hitter probably had two strikes and then fouled off a couple of times while avoiding the third strike and accumulating four balls, which allowed him to walk to first.

Totally weird if you don't understand it, much like suddenly landing in, say, Thailand and being subjected to all that totally weird gibberish all over the place. Right?

As for stats, the American fascination with such has always amused me, but I see now soccer (and don't get me started on the canard that "soccer" is an Americanism) is just about as bad.