Played 46 - 19 wins, 5 draws, 22 defeats. 53 scored, 70 conceded. 12 clean sheets, 14 blanks.

19 wins represents our 5th best record at this level since 2003, only bettered by our two promotion seasons and Dave Jones' last two seasons. We won 19 games in both Mackay's and Harris's playoff seasons. In 51 seasons at this level, we've only won more than 19 on 9 occasions, but many of those were only 42 game seasons, but 19 wins is still an achievement.

5 draws is our lowest ever at this level and our second lowest in our history, behind Warnock's relegated PL side. This season has seen our lowest ever draw percentage ever.

22 defeats is our 5th highest number of defeats at this level ever and the 12th highest in our history. It's only 1 defeat fewer than our last two seasons where we've finished 18th and 21st.

While 53 goals scored is a higher figure than last season, it's still the 3rd lowest in this division since 2003 and our 12th lowest in this division overall. Failing to score in 14 games is our 10th worst in the second tier.

Conceding 70 is our worst effort defensively in this division since 1977/78.

19 wins, 5 draws and 22 defeats has only ever been done once in the entire history of the league, Bristol Rovers in 2009/10. By coincidence, they just about scraped into the top half and conceded 70. Huddersfield were relegated today with 3 fewer defeats than us, making us the first team in history to lose 3 more matches than a relegated side yet finish in the top half.

Our goal difference of -17 is the worst of any top half side in the history of the second tier. Newcastle finished 11th in 1981 with a GD of -15 and Preston's was -14 last season. Accrington Stanley hold the league record with a GD of -19 in the third tier in 2021/22.

Needless to say, having a poor goal difference in a season where there isn't a huge difference between the number of wins and defeats would suggest more heavier defeats than big wins. 15 of our 22 defeats were by more than a single goal, the second highest in the second tier in our history. Our last 13 defeats have all been by more than a single goal which is a far cry from the start of the season, where only 2 of our first 9 defeats were by more than a goal. 13 successive defeats by more than a single goal is a club record.

A win is a win. 15 of our 19 wins were by just one goal, the second highest figure in the second tier ever. Our last 12 wins have all been by a single goal, yet 4 of the 6 games before that saw us win by 2 or more goals.

Over the season we managed 501 attempts at goal, fewer than the 537 in 2022/23 and 510 and 2021/22 and is the fewest number of attempts on goal managed by us since relegation from the PL in 2019. Thankfully we've been marginally better at converting chances this season than in recent ones. 106 chances came from headers this season, up from 92 last season but well short of the 150 in 2021/22.