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Thread: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

  1. #26

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by light up the darkness View Post
    IMO all of them deserve to be hanged.not just these two but all the other senior managers who enjoyed their well paid comfortable jobs.

    If I recall correctly Adam Crozier previously Chief exec of the FA become Chief Exec of the Royal Mail Group,

    So I Googled and in fact it was he who oversaw a controversial modernisation and redundancy programme and it was under Crozier's leadership that much of the Horizon computing systems errors and prosecution of innocent sub-post masters occurred.

    When shall we see him court to hear about his role ?
    Royal Mail is completely separate company to the Post Office. Horizon is nothing to do with Royal Mail or Adam Crozier

  2. #27

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by RichardM View Post
    Royal Mail is completely separate company to the Post Office. Horizon is nothing to do with Royal Mail or Adam Crozier
    They only separated in 2012 so he is very much a part of this

  3. #28

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by PontBlue View Post
    They only separated in 2012 so he is very much a part of this
    My apologies, you are right, and to answer @light up the darkness it looks like he has already appeared before the enquiry

  4. #29

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Is she back tomorrow?

    That was a car crash

  5. #30

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by RichardM View Post
    Royal Mail is completely separate company to the Post Office. Horizon is nothing to do with Royal Mail or Adam Crozier
    Just as well that he wasn't hanged.

  6. #31

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Is she back tomorrow?

    That was a car crash
    Yes. She's due to give evidence over three days

  7. #32

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by PontBlue View Post
    Yes. She's due to give evidence over three days
    She's drowning but doesn't seem to be aware of it

  8. #33
    First Team light up the darkness's Avatar
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    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Just as well that he wasn't hanged.
    Easy for you to say. I have to live with it.

  9. #34

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    This crying is pathetic

    She thinks she's quick on her feet

    It's like shooting fish in a barrel for the enquiry brief

  10. #35

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Missed today’s but will watch tomorrow.

  11. #36

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Either she's lying and did know what was going, or she was so incompetent and didn't know what she should have known, and those below her possibly kept it from her.

  12. #37

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Selective memory.
    Or should that be selective amnesia.

  13. #38
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    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post
    Either she's lying and did know what was going, or she was so incompetent and didn't know what she should have known, and those below her possibly kept it from her.
    I'd say you're correct but I'd put it slightly differently - she's either culpable and a knowing liar or she's so stupid she could not see, from the massive amount of evidence she was presented with over multiple years, there was a systematic issue with the prosecutions.

    She reminds me of what is so wrong with Britain. She's clearly a member of the establishment (privately educated, Anglican priest, etc) who was appointed to a job that was beyond her capabilities. I met so many "Paulas" during my working life in Britain - the incapable talentless middle-class establishment. I'm so glad I don't meet people like her any more being, as I am, a fully paid up American now. Before anyone starts - I fully acknowledge the myriad issues we have here.

    Another thing that strikes me about her is she's supposedly religious yet at no point does her faith seem to compel her to stop all the fibbing and just 'fess up to either her hubristic idiocy and mendacity or complete uncaring foolishness.

  14. #39

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post
    Either she's lying and did know what was going, or she was so incompetent and didn't know what she should have known, and those below her possibly kept it from her.
    Exactly, if she was genuinely unaware of all of the things that were going on, she was probably being paid a fortune to do a job that was well beyond her capabilities.

  15. #40

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I'd say you're correct but I'd put it slightly differently - she's either culpable and a knowing liar or she's so stupid she could not see, from the massive amount of evidence she was presented with over multiple years, there was a systematic issue with the prosecutions.

    She reminds me of what is so wrong with Britain. She's clearly a member of the establishment (privately educated, Anglican priest, etc) who was appointed to a job that was beyond her capabilities. I met so many "Paulas" during my working life in Britain - the incapable talentless middle-class establishment. I'm so glad I don't meet people like her any more being, as I am, a fully paid up American now. Before anyone starts - I fully acknowledge the myriad issues we have here.

    Another thing that strikes me about her is she's supposedly religious yet at no point does her faith seem to compel her to stop all the fibbing and just 'fess up to either her hubristic idiocy and mendacity or complete uncaring foolishness.
    Sorry, I’ve more or less said exactly the same as you in my first post. For some reason, this reminds me of the woman Johnson employed to be in charge of the “world beating”, and very expensive, Government backed test and trace programme (think her name was Dodi or something like that - just checked it was Dido Harding) whose only qualification to get her the job was that she was married to a Tory MP.

  16. #41

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    I'm surprised a Chief Executive gets involved in the degree of detail highlighted by the Inquiry. Normally a Chief Executive of a large Corporation would leave it to one of the specialist Directors to deal with the nitty gritty leaving it to the CEO to sign off what was agreed. Instead Vennells got involved in the day to day stuff and implicated herself totally as a result. Dare I say in some large organisations staff below that level often don't bother the CEO with the detail and keep things away from the CEO but Vennells to her detriment not only involved herself to a high degree but also can't avoid the fact that as CEO she is ultimately responsible for everything that has happened

    Given the fact that she has faced some very detailed questioning I don't think she has done that badly but the very fact she was so involved in the detail of everything that went on her level of culpability is such that anyone would struggle to put on a better performance.

  17. #42
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    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I'd say you're correct but I'd put it slightly differently - she's either culpable and a knowing liar or she's so stupid she could not see, from the massive amount of evidence she was presented with over multiple years, there was a systematic issue with the prosecutions.

    She reminds me of what is so wrong with Britain. She's clearly a member of the establishment (privately educated, Anglican priest, etc) who was appointed to a job that was beyond her capabilities. I met so many "Paulas" during my working life in Britain - the incapable talentless middle-class establishment. I'm so glad I don't meet people like her any more being, as I am, a fully paid up American now. Before anyone starts - I fully acknowledge the myriad issues we have here.

    Another thing that strikes me about her is she's supposedly religious yet at no point does her faith seem to compel her to stop all the fibbing and just 'fess up to either her hubristic idiocy and mendacity or complete uncaring foolishness.
    She turned a blind eye and let the bullies deal with the postmasters, and is now sad it's all backfired.

  18. #43

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    I'm surprised a Chief Executive gets involved in the degree of detail highlighted by the Inquiry. Normally a Chief Executive of a large Corporation would leave it to one of the specialist Directors to deal with the nitty gritty leaving it to the CEO to sign off what was agreed. Instead Vennells got involved in the day to day stuff and implicated herself totally as a result. Dare I say in some large organisations staff below that level often don't bother the CEO with the detail and keep things away from the CEO but Vennells to her detriment not only involved herself to a high degree but also can't avoid the fact that as CEO she is ultimately responsible for everything that has happened

    Given the fact that she has faced some very detailed questioning I don't think she has done that badly but the very fact she was so involved in the detail of everything that went on her level of culpability is such that anyone would struggle to put on a better performance.
    So, what does your typical CEO do exactly to merit these vast sums so many of them earn?

  19. #44

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    She's a priest too ?

    Good god

  20. #45

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    This guys a bit more aggressive lol

  21. #46

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    So, what does your typical CEO do exactly to merit these vast sums so many of them earn?
    Usually bankrupt the company and make you redundant.

  22. #47

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    She's a priest too ?

    Good god
    Probably why she keeps breaking down in tears the prospect of spending a lot of time in purgatory.

  23. #48

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by MacAdder View Post
    Probably why she keeps breaking down in tears the prospect of spending a lot of time in purgatory.
    She's really getting on my tits now

  24. #49

    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    She's really getting on my tits now
    Bet yours are bigger than hers ?

  25. #50
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Paula Vennell Post Office Enquiry

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Exactly, if she was genuinely unaware of all of the things that were going on, she was probably being paid a fortune to do a job that was well beyond her capabilities.
    Paula Vennells, Post Office chief executive 2010-2019

    Ms Vennells earned 5.1m during her time at the helm of the Post Office, peaking at 718,300 in 2018. That year her base salary was 253,800 and she earned 390,800 in bonuses (plus pensions and other benefits).

    7 Apr 2024


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