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Scott ticks all the boxes for the BBC.
Reckon this was Jenas' to lose.
It won’t really bother me who gets it, as I very rarely watch MOTD. I usually record MOTD 2 and fast forward to the highlights and don’t listen to the pundits.
He's a great presenter but clearly fallen out of favour at the BBC and not really helped himself sometimes.
I suspect people will come to miss him as a presenter though. He does tend to strike the right balance on the analytical Vs entertainment side that TV football is all about.
A pretty good presenter on way too high a wage who uses his elite football experience to make weak jokes. I would say farewell but no doubt his anodyne, smirking ways will end up somewhere else. Can he take Shearer with him?
I bet Jenas is well and truly gutted
Always found Chappers a laugh on the radio, was it the Scott Mills show ? ? ( it was )