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On another thread Forest Green Bluebird has brought up the fact there is a campaign to stamp out on line abuse , directing it towards one of our own posters who posted a rather savage opinion of our wannabe manager .
Is that on line abuse ? Are we all guilty of on line abuse when we say such and such has had a bad game or we dont rate them as a footballer on here?
Surely on line abuse is sending them a direct message on their own accounts?
Interested to hear others opinion , perhaps going forward, posting anything negative about the people involved in the club will become a no no.
Id imagine theyre more thinking along the lines of directly messaging a player fcking kill yourself you *insert homophobic/racist slur*
Rather than posting on a message board should be burying those chances, useless striker
It's online! plenty of peeps on here with very ....hmm right leaning views that are happy to deal it out.
Look back at the post I replied to:
"True, but first of all Tan will need the operation to get Rizas nose from out of his arse
FFS what a grovelling twat, have a bit of self respect Riza
Still if you haven’t got the ability to do the job, acting like some sycophantic idiot might work"
What part of that 'abuse' was not directly aimed at the manager?
I can really see Riza avidly reading this board and getting upset over it!
People being upset for other people over other people's opinions (who in the main couldn't give a fuuck) get on my tits.
Obviously racism, homophobia etc should be challenged but people are taking it down to fine details.
It's a message board not a student unions debating society.
Anyone who takes anything on here too seriously needs help.
A poster on here found my real name and started searching for personal information about me to dripfeed; my name, whereabouts I live, even what I studied at uni, as if anyone else cares about this. He was told to knock it off by MM or he'd be banned.
Don't underestimate some of the nutjobs who are addicted to this place.
Some f*cker waited over Splott Park for me for nights on end……I don’t live there!!
I did say it was a little harsh .
I wasn't having a go I just wondered if I was so detached from what is right and what is wrong when making comments on a message board.
I watched the video that you linked , the type of person that I felt they are targeting are lacking in certain qualities , probably very low self esteem that gets some perverse joy out of trying to belittle others.
And of course bigots , who generally lack intelligence , it's the clever ones you need to watch...
This isn't CCFC,S board , if it was the comments would have had a different connotation.
Kanga’s solicitor is amassing reams & reams of evidence, all futile when a court deems every statement on here to be true.
Donny Osmond is a talentless xxnt