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Thread: Best Goal Scored at Ninian Park in the 90's

  1. #1

    Best Goal Scored at Ninian Park in the 90's

  2. #2

    Re: Best Goal Scored at Ninian Park in the 90's

    If I remember right, there were many fans very unhappy about us signing Delaney because he came from the Welsh League

  3. #3

    Re: Best Goal Scored at Ninian Park in the 90's

    Jason Fowler chip against Brentford 98/99 season

  4. #4

    Re: Best Goal Scored at Ninian Park in the 90's

    One of my best goals was this Wayne Fereday cracker against the Jacks in the Welsh cup. 9 mins 50


  5. #5

    Re: Best Goal Scored at Ninian Park in the 90's

    Shirley this, just because of the opposition


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