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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #3876
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It can't be true, as it would go against Cyril's version of events, and his team are depending on him.
    It's like the Brian and Ed Krassy show

  2. #3877

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    I know, its on Fox so not the usual msm drivel that sometimes get served up here.

    Oh well, you win. Well done.

  3. #3878

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Oh well, you win. Well done.
    Trump's personal lawyer for a decade gets banged up for 3 years and even Fox's legal panelists see red lights but.....but...... look.......look......Hilary!

  4. #3879
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Smocking Gun revisited

    I did make a mistake and thought that the Jewish Gematria was being used, it isn't.!!!!!!


  5. #3880

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Trump's personal lawyer for a decade gets banged up for 3 years and even Fox's legal panelists see red lights but.....but...... look.......look......Hilary!
    It's my mistake, I didn't have Cohen down as being a man of integrity and honesty, and now as the star witness he gets to change the course of world history. I bet there will be a few sighs of relief all around the globe tonight.

  6. #3881

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    My sources indicate that World War III will kick off this Friday. No war will be declared and it won't be termed as WW3 for several months. Ukraine is where to keep an eagle eye upon.

  7. #3882

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    My sources indicate that World War III will kick off this Friday. No war will be declared and it won't be termed as WW3 for several months. Ukraine is where to keep an eagle eye upon.
    I won't believe it until our leader Cyril can confirm it.

  8. #3883

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's my mistake, I didn't have Cohen down as being a man of integrity and honesty, and now as the star witness he gets to change the course of world history. I bet there will be a few sighs of relief all around the globe tonight.
    I do love the way you tie yourself in knots fair play:

    If there is a crime they should sue or prosecute or shut up and stop the innuendo (Cohen sued prosecuted and found guilty and sentenced, Manafort prosecuted and found guilty awaiting sentencing, Flynn prosecuted found guilty awaiting sentencing, Papadopolous prosecuted and imprisoned).

    Yeah but they were always lying snitches, coffee boys or entrapped so you can't believe a word despite any supporting evidence.

    But look......look......more Hilary innuendo so just as bad as the Maestro and if it turns out she did a tax dodge then that totally exonerates Pres so there! It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

  9. #3884

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I won't believe it until our leader Cyril can confirm it.
    Keep your dignity, he is just having a laugh at your expense.

  10. #3885

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    I do love the way you tie yourself in knots fair play:

    If there is a crime they should sue or prosecute or shut up and stop the innuendo (Cohen sued prosecuted and found guilty and sentenced, Manafort prosecuted and found guilty awaiting sentencing, Flynn prosecuted found guilty awaiting sentencing, Papadopolous prosecuted and imprisoned).

    Yeah but they were always lying snitches, coffee boys or entrapped so you can't believe a word despite any supporting evidence.

    But look......look......more Hilary innuendo so just as bad as the Maestro and if it turns out she did a tax dodge then that totally exonerates Pres so there! It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.
    Where's the oversized lady with a microphone??

  11. #3886

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Where's the oversized lady with a microphone??
    Not another White House Press Conference. Tell Sarah not to give it to Acosta this time!

  12. #3887

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    So let me get this right. The conspiracist theory that the interview notes were changed has been around for over 6 months. Yet in that period neither Flynn nor his legal team has done anything to challenge the charges against him and continued to fully co-operate with Mueller. Strange that.
    The judge wants all documents pertaining to the Flynn 302's by Friday 14 Dec.

  13. #3888

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    It's like the Brian and Ed Krassy show
    In fairness Brian and Ed have reported more correct things then Sara carter And Qanon(this month wiillnsee the indirnents, honest, they’re coming this month now honest repeat repeat repeat.....)

  14. #3889
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    In fairness Brian and Ed have reported more correct things then Sara carter And Qanon(this month wiillnsee the indirnents, honest, they’re coming this month now honest repeat repeat repeat.....)
    The comments from ED and Brian are some of the best on twitter, they provide great entertainment
    Sara Carter along with Hannity allegedly have protected status and can go a little bit further than most, when she gave her little bit of news on FOX the other night (incidentally FOX is no longer the Trump machine it once was) I would guess that she was given the Nod to confirm and bring into public domain the indictments, they are available to see by the public at pacer.gov so conspiracy is not an issue here other than the content of the indictments.

  15. #3890

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    The comments from ED and Brian are some of the best on twitter, they provide great entertainment
    Sara Carter along with Hannity allegedly have protected status and can go a little bit further than most, when she gave her little bit of news on FOX the other night (incidentally FOX is no longer the Trump machine it once was) I would guess that she was given the Nod to confirm and bring into public domain the indictments, they are available to see by the public at pacer.gov so conspiracy is not an issue here other than the content of the indictments.
    Everything that the popular media refuse to report is a conspiracy theory by default.

  16. #3891

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Everything that the popular media refuse to report is a conspiracy theory by default.
    The National Enquirer has published some pretty outrageous headlines containing little or no truth over the years including debunked conspiracy theories about Hilary Clinton's health and the role Ted Cruz's dad played in the Kennedy assassination (then again it has suppressed quite a few truthful ones). In your view is the NE popular media these days?

  17. #3892

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Never mind all that!!, the start of the Clinton take down, unless an "event" of course!!
    might be keeping RBG on ice for this one!!

    Went off in Meadows face it would appear!


  18. #3893
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    That would have been me 😉👍
    I guess Life On Mars is deliberately making grammatical errors too looking at that last post to attract attention like Donnie?
    I love a grammatical error with ice

  19. #3894
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    He's made loads of schoolboy spelling errors in the past. Does he have any real power, or is he just a huge distraction? He's filled his cabinet with his own appointments many of whom are neocons and ex-Goldman Sachs crooks.

    Bad spelling is sign of a genius.

  20. #3895
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Went off in Meadows face it would appear!

    Various bomb threats as the hearing started, not read the report, I watched the hearing on the tube, meadows and fitting appeared week IMO but the two whistle blowers turned the tables and basically told meadows to shove it up his was, has had to play a bit partisan role to appease the dems did you watch it or is your article your view ?

  21. #3896

    Movers supplies discount code Movers mission bc

    Aladdin movers conroe tx

    Trek Movers


    When it comes to money, do not act like a child! - www.trekmovers.com

    I spend every free minute possible with my three-year-old son. And it never ceases to amaze me the amount of special treatment he receives. Sure, it's probably the standard treatment for all children, but it seems that he always gets all the extras and extras that life has to offer at his age. An extra scoop of ice cream for your ice cream cone, extra sparks in that cone, free stickers and postcards from the bank and the post office, groceries from the grocery store, and the list seems to go on forever. Sometimes, after a day of errands, one would think it was his birthday or something. So I began to compare your virtual life of bliss and excess with the harsh reality of my financial life. Chico, what a difference there is. I soon come to the conclusion that with respect to all financial issues, you are no longer a child ...

    College graduates, wake up!

    Take this idea until I graduate of the university, because I think it's about the time when financial reality should begin to be established. Besides being older and, hopefully, more mature, we probably start our first serious job in life, and most importantly, there is no more mom and dad.

    The part of being employed is good because it means We have our first serious and steady income stream in life. The second part about mama and papa is the rapper. They were always there for you, right? Always willing to send you money out of thin air just because they thought you might need it. Always there to help fund "extra" projects for the school. And they never seemed to say "no". Trust me, besides being very proud of you for graduating in college, you will also be happy with the fact that you will not have to worry about all this financial support. never more. As the phrase says: "You're all baby!"

    What does this mean?

    So what does this mean for you? Well, if I could go back and do it again, I would have taken better control of my finances, instead of letting them control me. Now is the time to "lift up the man", "take a step forward", whatever you want to call it. Because it's going to be one way or another, whether you administer it or administer it.

    Set the tone

    Specifically, what you need to do is create a good and solid set of financial habits at this time, before the bad guys can start. These should include, but not be limited to:

    • Building a good credit history, if you have not already done so
    • Do not spend beyond your means
    • Put something aside for retirement
    • Save where you can
    • Spend less where you can

    Start now, or you can never < / p>

    Each of them could be a complete article in itself, but I think you understand the point. The time to start is now. It is much easier to start and maintain a good habit from the beginning than to break a bad habit and then start the good. I can certainly attest to that. He probably had not left school for more than two minutes before having a fist full of credit cards and could not wait to get them out to the fullest. It took me years to recover from those debts and the same time to unlearn my old spending behaviors and to learn new ones again.

    You are no longer a child

    The days of the splashes additional and the free balloons are over. The sooner you realize that fact and the sooner you control your finances with a lot of financial habits, the better it will go.

    Feel free to share your thoughts and comments on this subject with our other readers and visitors. below.

    (photo credit: abbybatchelder)

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  22. #3897

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Various bomb threats as the hearing started, not read the report, I watched the hearing on the tube, meadows and fitting appeared week IMO but the two whistle blowers turned the tables and basically told meadows to shove it up his was, has had to play a bit partisan role to appease the dems did you watch it or is your article your view ?
    For some bizarre reason I thought a hearing contrived between one of Trump's favourite arse-licking Congressmen, who amongst others, has for 6 years tried and failed to produce anything incriminating on Hilary Clinton might not be a productive use of my time.

    This was a pathetic last roll of the dice where Meadows was so desperate to get something out of the Uranium/Foundation bull you and WB gorge yourself on that he believed the stuff that Solomon and Carter were feeding him. The so-called whistle-blowers pulled the rug from under his feet by refusing to publicly disclose documents some of which Solomon had already given him privately in full view of the cameras opened up for this charade. No wonder even Trump, so needy for a new Chief of Staff turned Meadows away.

    Still D5, you have it all, keep the faith eh. Hope the RBG, whatever that is, was cold enough for you.

  23. #3898

    Re: Movers supplies discount code Movers mission bc

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrewmover View Post

    Aladdin movers conroe tx

    Trek Movers


    When it comes to money, do not act like a child! - www.trekmovers.com

    I spend every free minute possible with my three-year-old son. And it never ceases to amaze me the amount of special treatment he receives. Sure, it's probably the standard treatment for all children, but it seems that he always gets all the extras and extras that life has to offer at his age. An extra scoop of ice cream for your ice cream cone, extra sparks in that cone, free stickers and postcards from the bank and the post office, groceries from the grocery store, and the list seems to go on forever. Sometimes, after a day of errands, one would think it was his birthday or something. So I began to compare your virtual life of bliss and excess with the harsh reality of my financial life. Chico, what a difference there is. I soon come to the conclusion that with respect to all financial issues, you are no longer a child ...

    College graduates, wake up!

    Take this idea until I graduate of the university, because I think it's about the time when financial reality should begin to be established. Besides being older and, hopefully, more mature, we probably start our first serious job in life, and most importantly, there is no more mom and dad.

    The part of being employed is good because it means We have our first serious and steady income stream in life. The second part about mama and papa is the rapper. They were always there for you, right? Always willing to send you money out of thin air just because they thought you might need it. Always there to help fund "extra" projects for the school. And they never seemed to say "no". Trust me, besides being very proud of you for graduating in college, you will also be happy with the fact that you will not have to worry about all this financial support. never more. As the phrase says: "You're all baby!"

    What does this mean?

    So what does this mean for you? Well, if I could go back and do it again, I would have taken better control of my finances, instead of letting them control me. Now is the time to "lift up the man", "take a step forward", whatever you want to call it. Because it's going to be one way or another, whether you administer it or administer it.

    Set the tone

    Specifically, what you need to do is create a good and solid set of financial habits at this time, before the bad guys can start. These should include, but not be limited to:

    • Building a good credit history, if you have not already done so
    • Do not spend beyond your means
    • Put something aside for retirement
    • Save where you can
    • Spend less where you can

    Start now, or you can never < / p>

    Each of them could be a complete article in itself, but I think you understand the point. The time to start is now. It is much easier to start and maintain a good habit from the beginning than to break a bad habit and then start the good. I can certainly attest to that. He probably had not left school for more than two minutes before having a fist full of credit cards and could not wait to get them out to the fullest. It took me years to recover from those debts and the same time to unlearn my old spending behaviors and to learn new ones again.

    You are no longer a child

    The days of the splashes additional and the free balloons are over. The sooner you realize that fact and the sooner you control your finances with a lot of financial habits, the better it will go.

    Feel free to share your thoughts and comments on this subject with our other readers and visitors. below.

    (photo credit: abbybatchelder)

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    Packers and movers bannerghatta road

    More coherent than some posts on here I thought!

  24. #3899
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Movers supplies discount code Movers mission bc

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    More coherent than some posts on here I thought!
    Never mind the Trump concentrate on the Watford game ,which I believe your at ,awful weather for it though

    You got enough on your plate today leave the Trumpness/Brexit stuff to the settees fans ,lets hope the seats say where they should be on the trip. ?

  25. #3900

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Bad spelling is sign of a genital.

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