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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #5076

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Delbert View Post
    Remarkable, looks like a superspreader event where 1 person has infected many others within a confined space who have then gone on to infect others in their homes.

    I know you caught it at work but evidence like this reminds me why I think opening indoor spaces where people sit together for social/recreational purposes for long periods of time like pubs, restaurants, cafes, cinemas, clubs etc would be a bad idea post-firebreak.

    Get well soon!
    They are talking of re-opening pubs on November 11 in Wales. I expect my parents still won't be allowed to see their grandkids on the same day.

  2. #5077

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Looks as though England will be locked down. Announcement expected early next week according to this:


    Sorry the above article isn't from the Guardian or Mirror

  3. #5078

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    Update: now 45 days on from the C day. Of the 12 people in the (large) room, all wearing masks, socially distanced & disinfected, 9 people plus their families caught the virus.

    My continued lasting effects are hyper-sensitivity to smoke, deodorant & perfume. Deodorant in particular instantly removes all of my breath, can be very scary. I also cannot drink any citrus juices or iced drinks as they start coughing fits.

    Other than that, it seems to have gone!
    Good to see that you are doing better. Hope you make a full recovery

  4. #5079

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by adz-a32 View Post

    Those who have been careless about the virus can **** off... dragging us ALL down just because they are damn impatient! And if they didn’t go on holiday (assuming minority are for essential visits) then this strain wouldn’t be here! Like do they need a bloody holiday!? They are reducing the security of others just for that ffs!
    just seen on the news the " youth " of Nottingham dancing in the streets last night

    once again,shocking scenes

  5. #5080

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Looks as though England will be locked down. Announcement expected early next week according to this:


    Sorry the above article isn't from the Guardian or Mirror
    If it saves Christmas who cares what news outlet it comes from!

  6. #5081

    Re: Coronavirus update

    BBC and Sky News both saying Johnson is considering new national lockdown restrictions which could be imposed in England as early as next week. Sky said cabinet ministers were angry they had not made aware of the alleged U-turn.

    Raab was interviewed on Sky yesterday saying he disagreed with Starmer’s call for a national lockdown. Now it appears his own boss thinks there should be one too but didn’t tell him. This government really is a disaster.

  7. #5082

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Looks as though England will be locked down. Announcement expected early next week according to this:


    Sorry the above article isn't from the Guardian or Mirror
    I am as well, the Guardian and the Mirror are virtually the only papers out there these days that don't come with a subscription wall or commands that you turn your adblocker off - that's definitely a reason why I post so many links from the Guardian.

  8. #5083

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Delbert View Post
    BBC and Sky News both saying Johnson is considering new national lockdown restrictions which could be imposed in England as early as next week. Sky said cabinet ministers were angry they had not made aware of the alleged U-turn.

    Raab was interviewed on Sky yesterday saying he disagreed with Starmer’s call for a national lockdown. Now it appears his own boss thinks there should be one too but didn’t tell him. This government really is a disaster.
    Johnson had probably just come from a meeting with scientists when that story was leaked by "Whitehall sources" - wait until he meets with his Cabinet again (especially those with links to the Treasury) and then there'll be stories about how there's not going to be a lockdown.

    I'm taking the piss there, but it does have a basis of truth in it - our "strongman" leader does tend to agree with the last thing he was told.

  9. #5084

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Delbert View Post
    BBC and Sky News both saying Johnson is considering new national lockdown restrictions which could be imposed in England as early as next week. Sky said cabinet ministers were angry they had not made aware of the alleged U-turn.

    Raab was interviewed on Sky yesterday saying he disagreed with Starmer’s call for a national lockdown. Now it appears his own boss thinks there should be one too but didn’t tell him. This government really is a disaster.
    What’s worse than having an inept government, is the fact that there is no decent opposition to them.
    What a state British politics is in.

  10. #5085
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Coronavirus update

  11. #5086

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    What’s worse than having an inept government, is the fact that there is no decent opposition to them.
    What a state British politics is in.

  12. #5087

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Isnt it time these idiots stepped aside. They go from one feck up to another.

  13. #5088

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post

  14. #5089

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    What’s worse than having an inept government, is the fact that there is no decent opposition to them.
    What a state British politics is in.
    Exactly, nevermind one opposition party, why don’t we have a few. It’s almost beyond belief I know....lots of people don’t like either so either don’t vote or vote for the one that offends them the least.

  15. #5090

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    What’s worse than having an inept government, is the fact that there is no decent opposition to them.
    What a state British politics is in.
    You obviously haven't been keeping an eye on the news for the last 10 months.

  16. #5091

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    What’s worse than having an inept government, is the fact that there is no decent opposition to them.
    What a state British politics is in.
    Christ imagine seeing everything that's happened the last year and having this as a take away.

  17. #5092

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Looks as though England will be locked down. Announcement expected early next week according to this:


    Sorry the above article isn't from the Guardian or Mirror
    look out for all the people who were completely against the Welsh lockdown suddenly deciding that it's a good idea.

  18. #5093

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    look out for all the people who were completely against the Welsh lockdown suddenly deciding that it's a good idea.
    2 in particular who say Drakeford just follows Boris will be saying careful thought out decision whereas Drakeford just jumped straight in.

    Seriously that clown Raab was out yesterday saying no lockdown.

    These idiots are making it up as they go along.

  19. #5094

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    2 in particular who say Drakeford just follows Boris will be saying careful thought out decision whereas Drakeford just jumped straight in.

    Seriously that clown Raab was out yesterday saying no lockdown.

    These idiots are making it up as they go along.
    The Tories are where they are because initially that narcissistic fuucking gibbon put his own beliefs and ideology over any common sense.

    They're now fuucked between admitting they're hopeless cuunts who didnt listen to common sense or continuing to push along their warped ideals.

    For the dopey ****ers on here who performed fellatio on Boris, Sunak & Gove those mouth ulcers are probably something quite nasty.

    One plus point is Brexit is close so that £350 million a week saved and given to the NHS could come in handy.

  20. #5095

    Re: Coronavirus update

    The coronavirus ripping its way through pubs and clubs while Johnson’s Government preoccupies itself about whether a pasty or a pasty with chips constitutes a substantial meal.

  21. #5096

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    look out for all the people who were completely against the Welsh lockdown suddenly deciding that it's a good idea.
    Now, now .

  22. #5097

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Delbert View Post
    The coronavirus ripping its way through pubs and clubs while Johnson’s Government preoccupies itself about whether a pasty or a pasty with chips constitutes a substantial meal.
    This would be funny if their complete incompetence wasnt so serious.

  23. #5098

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    look out for all the people who were completely against the Welsh lockdown suddenly deciding that it's a good idea.
    And those who are unable to work, lost their jobs with rent and mortgages, business owners and those concerned about the tax they will have to pay when this pandemic is over will complain also. There are losers only in this pandemic. Personally I hope there is a national lockdown but I'm retired and don't own a business.

  24. #5099

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    just seen on the news the " youth " of Nottingham dancing in the streets last night

    once again,shocking scenes
    Bunch of idiots making the rest of us look bad

  25. #5100

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Very strong stuff from someone who, rightly or wrongly, I tend to think of as Johnson supporter;-


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