I posted last night / early this morning that egos should be left outside the room and they were. I asked that everyone show a display of unity and they delivered.

There were some excellent speakers covering a vast array of emotions and the board (even if they knew they have little choice but to change) would have been genuinely impressed by the points raised and the display of passion that this club means to us.

A number of posters made key points and I think the clinching remarks at the end came from the business man at the end who told the board that Cardiff City were virtually un-investable by local businesses as they felt the club was a mess.

That added to the lack of sales of merch and soon a lack of ST tickets is sobering from a commercial point of view and now the Chairman and Chief Exec have heard the emotional / community side of things first hand then there is only one outcome.

The signals coming from the Chairman would suggest he agrees.