It's been a terrible 2 1/2 years.

I only fell in love with her because she was was always my preference. 2 1/2 years ago, I arrived home to find she had turned was odd, in fact it just wasn't the girl I fell for.

Anyway for the last couple of years I have practically disowned her as there was no reasoning behind her alterations. It was embarrassing, I even had her face tattoo'ed on my arm and people would comment as to why I was with a different bird.

Close friends & family would say "it's only a colour", "snap out of it" but she was an alien to me.

Anyway, on Thursday last week she rung the hairdressers and following a lengthy chat, she decided to return to blonde.

My world is again complete.

As a celebration, I took her out yesterday and showed her proudly off to all & sundry. We spent the day together and friends would pass in the street and give an acknowledgeable wink in our direction.

Last night, feeling like a new man once more, I decided it was time to share the same bed once more with the love of my life.

We put on some music to lift our spirits...."The tide is High", "Atomic", "Hanging on the telephone", in fact the entire back catalogue of Blondie, just to remind me of past good times.

In the midst of all the celebration and mutual love, it dawned on me that I would have to have sex with her.

She's still shit at blow jobs....