Quote Originally Posted by valley boy wrote on Tue, 03 February 2015 19:31
Whatever Tan did some would look to find the negatives.This is very easy to do with anything in life but to look for positives not so easy.In truth can anyone blame him for all the abuse he has taken.Most of us would be well gone. As will so most of the moaners if we go down.
Quote Originally Posted by splott parker wrote on Tue, 03 February 2015 18:24
Apart from having deep pockets what has he done to deserve any praise? It's likely that we'll be spending the next 2-5 years sorting out the problems he created.
Quote Originally Posted by valley boy wrote on Tue, 03 February 2015 12:25
He saved the club from going into administration for a start. Gave a million pound to local charity. Made it possible for us to go into the premier league.In return he has had to put up with really vile abuse.Deep pockets as you put it make success just take a look at Chelsea and Man City.Yes he has made mistakes but to pounce on everything he does or twist facts to suite your own point of view is no more than bullying.If he does leave anybody of substance would look at the ungrateful way Tan has been treated by the whingers and say thats not for me and look elsewhere to invest. In effect you can say you contributed to the demise of the club.
Quote Originally Posted by surge wrote on Tue, 03 February 2015 10:04
People like you are still contributing to the demise of our club, constantly fawning and arse licking someone who has put our club into unprecedented debt. I can imagine you borrowing from Wonga.com then thanking them three years down the line for dropping you deeper in the shit. Unbelievable.
Quote Originally Posted by valley boy wrote on Tue, 03 February 2015 09:10
Tan has never asked for a penny unlike some before him. Would you prefer that money grabbing sort who sucked the life out of the club on false promises landing us up in the High Court. I am not afraid to say thats not for me give me Tan everytime.
It's not a competition between Tan and Hammam, that's like saying who do you prefer? Hitler or Thatcher, both were pricks, same as the two you're trying to compare, but, trust me, Tan has put this club in more peril than Hammam. If you're failing to realise this, something's up. With Hammam's debt a buyer was feasible, with Tan's supposed debt (if it is as much as he says it is, it may not be because the man is a proven liar) the prospect of someone coming in is pretty doubtful. Tan is playing us like a penny whistle.