The club has responded with answers to follow say WOL. But what do you think of the questions and have they covered everything?

1: Manager Russell Slade was appointed in October with a personal recommendation from Vincent Tan. Is the board currently happy with the job he is doing at the club and results achieved?

2: Many supporters have expressed discontent and anger at the quality of the football the team is currently playing. Does the Board understand/share these concerns?

3: Is there any plan perhaps to bring someone in to work next to Slade on the football side?

4: The manager himself has said Cardiff aren't 'shopping at Harrods any more' and the budget needs to be brought into line. In light of those cost-cutting measures what is the ambition/expectation of the club this season and moving forward?

5: Why have some of the club's most skillful players, the likes of Mats Daehli, Ravel Morrison, Kim Bo-Kyung and Javi Guerra, been permitted to leave at a time when the side is so evidently struggling?

6: Why have a number of players, like Juan Cala, Guido Burgstaller, Kim Bo-Kyung, Magnus Eikrem and Jo Inge Berget, had their contacts terminated and been left free to join other clubs without Cardiff even attempting to get some kind of transfer fee for them?

7: The club announced it introduced a transfer committee to oversee the new arrivals, headed by Vincent Tan and Mehmet Dalman. Is that system in place... and if so is it working, given a host of players arrived and then left before they barely even kicked a ball?

8: Is there any link between the change back to the traditional blue shirts and the implementation of cost cutting measures so soon afterwards?

9: Is the cost-cutting the first step of Vincent Tan lessening his financial input and perhaps eventually departing the club?
10: Does the signing of more unsung players like Scott Malone, Alex Revel, Lee Peltier and Stuart O'Keefe signal that the days of big money signings is over?

11: How many season tickets does the club hope for/anticipate to sell next season?

12: Was Glen Roeder paid for recommending Russell Slade? Does Roeder still have a role at Cardiff City?

13: We were told the time is not right for Vincent Tan to turn his loans into equity at the club. Is the plan still for that to happen at some point in the future?

14: After the home shirts were returned to blue supporters were promised a new badge with the Bluebird prominent. When might we see this? Who will design it?

15: Many fans are expressing fears the club could actually be relegated. Given the nosedive in results, can the Board guarantee action would take place to ensure that does not happen?