Some newspapers have just announced that the advice not to eat animal fat which we were given 30 years ago is faulty.

My wife and I have known this for at least three years and have benefited from being on the Paleo (or stoneage) diet.

I can remember many years ago politicians slating working class people 'up north' for eating bread and dripping. Now we know that it is the bread that creates health problems for us, not the dripping.

So the so-called health 'experts' have got it wrong again - how embarrassing for them - and how unhealthy for many of us.

SEE: s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CC IQqQIwAA& Farticle-2946617%2FButter-ISN-T-bad-Major-study-says-80s-adv ice-dairy-fats-flawed.html&ei=vjXaVP7cMse4UfunhPgG&u sg=AFQjCNHplmmeWbFvfrrHsoI-OEg6BzrCIg&sig2=XK5GZs9zFBbYl B3b8vPyOw&bvm=bv.85464276,d.ZWU