Nothing to do but watch Wales and BBC updates trying to read between the lines about what's actually happening as information is scant.

Seems to have begun with a bit of confidence lasting as far as going in front at which time possession (not everything, I know) was 66% - 34% and had been for most of the game.

Then you could almost feel the mindset change as realisation of another possible 3 points took hold. Slowly but surely the figures began to swing ending at 54% - 46% with the visitors grabbing 2 goals as they scented the opposition had stopped doing anything but try to hold on. I'd like to see the possession stats for the last half hour - must be well in favour of Charlton and they made no mistake; all too easy probably.

I'm not there to see the body language but am guessing that this squad and this management have a long way to go to instill some backbone, professionalism, nous - call it what you will in the squad. The next acquisition or two must surely be players who have a bit of passion about them, can read a game and know what's needed to be done to either get back into a game or see one out.

In short, a winning team needs a mixture of attributes, as much mentality as physicality or skill.