I hate horror movies, watch them with my eyes shut most of the time, so after the ticket office fiasco at the CCS yesterday , took my missus and my lad out for lunch.
Missus asked if we can go to the cinema and my son replied "yes , can we watch ""unfriended"".
Now, because my 15 yr old son asked for that movie, I thought it was going to be a "normal" film.
was it fack.
The trailers were all horrors, I realised then that something was up.

Now, bear in mind , ive worked away for 15 yrs, stayed in some creepy old hotels, the guy I room with when we stay is similar to me, but we got this system that works.
I got to sleep in the bed by the window because my mate reckons "that is where the vampires come in".
And he sleeps by the door because I say "that's where the burglars and ghosts come in".
I don't mind vampires, werewolves etc, but Ghosts, no facking way.

The cinema was quiet, id say a quarter full.
The movies ok for the first third, then the scary stuff starts,
without giving away spoilers, lets just say , the audience were more interested in listening to me screaming like a bitch and on one part that made me jump, I shouted "fack sake" and with my hand full of popcorn that was intended for my mouth, threw full pelt at a massive cinema screen.
because yes, in my head, at that moment, the best way to deal with a ghost is to lob popcorn at it.

anyone else been hoodwinked into a horror movie?