Is this currently a problem for anyone else?

I live around a large block of estates in Kennington, South London, by the Oval cricket ground. Been here for about a year now and not really had much bother.

However now it's seemingly easy to obtain fireworks a number of kids (mostly teens I assume) have gone around terrorising roads letting off all manner of stuff. I was walking home Friday night from cricket practice, turn left onto my road to be met with about 8 kids on bikes letting off stuff on the road followed by one guy on foot blasting God's know what anywhere. Somehow managed to sprint off with my stuff in tow but it's absolutely terrifying, I can imagine it's only worse when there's lots of younger kids around and pets who must find it rather distressing.

Thankfully the tenants associated have an open meeting tomorrow to discuss the said matter with local police, councillors etc. What they'll do, who knows.