Didn't like the look of it when I first saw it on iPlayer, the thought of Cuba Gooding Jr playing OJ didn't sit right and some of the other cast members were a bit questionable as well.

I gave it a go anyway, and when I saw John Travolta playing Robert Shapiro complete with comedy eyebrows and overblown Jewish mannerisms, I nearly turned it off. I'm glad I persevered.

I'm on episode 8 now and this show turned out to be one of the best things I've watched in years, it's absolutely fascinating. Sometimes you have to remind yourself that it's a true account of what happened, and how much of a circus that whole thing was at the time.

It also turns out that Travolta absolutely nailed his portrayal of the real life Shapiro.

I was a teenager at the time of the trial and it wasn't really on my radar so finding out exactly what happened before and during that trial has been a revelation.

I could go on but just give it a few episodes if you haven't already, it's compelling stuff.