(I could be immature and flippant - like I usually am - and say something like, "It's Pakistan, it's nowhere near us, so who cares?" - but I won't, even though I just did.)

Over 70 people murdered by the taliban in a childrens playground in Lahore.

Mostly women and children killed.

Sometimes you have to go beyond the BBC headline to get a real appreciation of what happens. ie, photographs and videos that haven't been filtered for "newsworthyness."

I have googled, and the photos are gut-wrenching - crying women on the floor, covered in blood; a little toddler on a hospital bed, face blackened, head bandaged, wearing an oxygen mask; photos of the playground, covered in pools of blood; distraught people everywhere. Then there are the descriptions from witnesses and residents as to what they saw. Just awful. How anybody could actually want to do something like this is beyond me. Yet the amazing things is, and despite all the world's politicians mouthing the same lies about how they will crush terrorism, it seems that there is no effort to stop all this shit. Sure, countries "up security levels", make a few arrests and put a few soldiers on the streets for photo-opportunities and that is it. That's all, until the next atrocity. Then repeat. Is this it now ? Is this is how it's going to be for the foreseeable future ? Should we just harden the f**k up and de-sensitise ourselves to it ? This shit is going on all over the world - killing people. For what ? Because of a religion ? Because of a scrap of land ? Because of oil ? Because of the $ value in arms sales ? Or what ? I think what it makes crystal clear is that the world's politicians couldn't give a flying f**k about their own people. Maybe they are all bought out by the big corporations or the pressure groups or the opinion polls, but I can't imagine just how uncaring they must be to allow all this suffering. Surely in this day and age, there must be a way of identifying and neutralising terrorists ?

ps C'mon Wales.