More grist to the mill: Charles Moore in the Telegraph.

"One of the most important features of the Westminster system of parliamentary democracy is that it allows voters to throw out one lot and put another in. This can never happen in the EU system. So the careers of the well-educated, unelected, “civilised” people who run the show are unimpeded by the will of the people.

Perhaps because I come from that class, I agree that a high education is a good thing and accept that societies must have their elites, but I also believe that the British genius has been to create a political system in which the common interest of the whole nation can be represented politically. This is impossible in the EU, where there is a ruling class on the one hand, and a sweaty mob (as the ruling class sees it), on the other. If you like that sort of system, when you contemplate your navel, you will vote to Remain.

Why should euro-officials pay less tax?

By far the best book setting out all European issues in topical form, is Why Leave? by Daniel Hannan, well known to readers of this paper. Hannan is crisp about how the interests of the above class are looked after in the Brussels set-up. More than a thousand EU officials earn more than David Cameron, and all officials working in EU institutions are exempt from national taxation. They pay a special EU income tax of 21 per cent. This rate is flat, so the richer you are, the better. British euro-officials who would have a top rate of 45 per cent here therefore pay less than half that. "

The 'Gravy Train' doesn't do it justice.