Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
UKIP support abolishing the Severn bridge toll, something I am sure you will agree will benefit South Wales.

Wales performs the worst out of the four countries of the union in a plethora of sectors. I am not saying my vote was correct (Tories, not UKIP) but Carwyn and Welsh labour have presided over failure after failure down the bay and enough is enough. After 17 years of one government surely it's time for change.

Answer me this, why do some of the poorest areas of the UK vote Labour time and time again only to see their areas and lives get worse and worse. Grow a back bone, be brave, do something different and see what happens. Be it UKIP, Plaid or the Greens give someone else a go or continue to be a sheep like your forefathers before you and get shat on from ever greater heights.
http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wa...ly-lib-9174731 - in which the Lib Dems (not the Tories) state they will abolish the Seven Bridge payments.

The general view of the pundits was Labour over the last term have met their targets promised in the previous election, but those targets were overly safe and did not necessarily mean success. It may be time for a change but that doesn't mean voting for a change that makes your life worse.