Quote Originally Posted by Llanedeyrnblue View Post
Let's hope Europe doesn't start poking their noses into the mess that is Turkey at least he's trying to keep the genies in their bottles as did Sadam and Assad until the west's intervention so let him get on with it.
Turkey is in the process of changing from a relatively educated and safe secular state for the last 94 years, after Ataturk changed its constitution.

However, under the dictatorship of Erdogan, Turkey is fast becoming an Islamic state where anyone who says anything other than what Erdogan wants to hear, will be jailed.

Erdogan has suspended the European convention on Human Rights. How far will he go to oppress Turkish people, will he kill his own people for disagreeing with him. How far will he be allowed to go? How far is too far?

Strangely enough, Angela Merkel has let the prosecution go ahead of a German comedian who read out a poem about Erdogan.

What plan has Merkel got, as it seems her journey is very different to many others in Europe.