Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
This will bells on.
Jeremy Corbyn isn't the victim of some Zionist conspiracy to keep him from power. He's popular within a very very small faction of the electorate and has established himself as a cult figure.
Two days after BREXIT he was supposed to be at Glatonbury where he no doubt wanted to seek adulation amongst what may be his fanbase.

I've no doubt he's principled, he was right to vote against Iraq war and I dare say he may be a good MP for the people of Islington.

However a leader he is not, he's completely inept at offering any serious Opposition and I'm as far from being a subscriber to the right wing press or some Zionist conspirator as you can get.
I've listened to that argument, then I see the forces ranged against him since the day he was elected leader and the two things simply do not add up or make any sense. Why bother constantly attacking someone who politically poses no serious threat to you?

This is just a small selection of anti-Corbyn articles.

"Comparisons to the Nazis" Really?


"Our Corbyn strategy"


"Labour's Jewish movement"


"How the Israeli lobby manufactured UK Labour party's anti-Semitism crisis."
