in the face of claims made that the old are not looked after:

Only 26% of people believe they will be better off than their parents when they retire

79% of Britons' main fear in retirement is their income will be too low or that inflation will erode their savings

Fear results in more than one quarter (27%) of those with private pensions increasing their contributions in the last 12 months

New research from Schroders, the global asset manager, reveals that just 26% (10.3 million) of Britons believe they will be better off than their parents' generation when they retire. The findings reveal that 44% (17.2 million) of people believe they will be worse off in retirement than their parents, fostering feelings of jealousy of a perceived ‘golden generation' of pensioners that have benefitted from significant gains in the value of their property and generous final salary pensions.

The death of the state pension is fast on the way.

Private firms are already being forced, literally forced, to create private pensions schemes.

Even if their employees do not want them, they must be set up, for huge costs to employers. Then if the employees want to carry through with them the employers must contribute.

If the employee doesn't want it, only after set up can it be cancelled.

Good luck to the youth of today actually ever owning a house as well.