"When you should realise the word antisemitism is being falsely used to protect Zionist Israel and not Jewish people at all and when you start to question this, the use of the term antisemitism, you can come under attack by those who are protecting their very existence that has been falsified as Jewish prophecy being fulfilled, when reality it is a political exploitation of Jewish texts to bring about the Zionist state of Israel that funds your government in the UK.
Shut her up quickly people might listen to her, she must be a self-hating Jew perhaps...
"But as a mixed-race person who is African and Jewish, I was making the point that why is the Cambodian genocide, which was after the 1940s, included and the African holocaust is not?” Walker said the criticism should be seen through the prism of the “political differences underlying it”.
“In terms of Holocaust Day, wouldn’t it be wonderful if Holocaust Day was open to all people who experienced Holocaust?” she can be heard telling organisers in a recording of the event.
"I was looking for information and I still haven’t heard a definition of antisemitism that I can work with.”
Manuel Cortes, the general secretary of the TSSA union and a strong backer of Corbyn, called on Walker to resign from the Labour party immediately. “I am asking Jackie that, in the interests of unity, she resigns at once from our party and also as vice-chair of Momentum,” he said. “If she doesn’t, both the Labour party and Momentum need to act to get rid of her at once. Furthermore, TSSA will seriously reconsider our union’s support for Momentum if she is still in post by this time next week.”

Source: Israel deceit and lies.
