Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
I haven't read enough of Eric's posts to determine whether he's a WUM or really is terminally gullible. His spelling and diction screams the former.

I've believed for many years that everyone's either corrupt or corruptible, and those who aren't corrupt consist entirely of infants.

In my ideal world then all who wield substantial power (MPs, senior civil servants, bankers, police and army officers, etc) should undergo publicly held polygraph tests periodically so that the rest of us can gain a much better insight into what their true character is.
Thank heavens you're here, Organ. I was down to my last few bullets. I don't know what's wrong with some of these posters. When they post on football they seem quite normal but then they come on here and go completely nuts. Everyone is corruptible - present company excepted - and the only thing to work out is what is being used to corrupt them - money or sex.