Quote Originally Posted by Since62 View Post

The issue in the case appears to be two transfers where the club made substantial payments to football agents and now claim that they have evidence that said agents did no work on those deals. If true, then the club is either looking to pursue the agents for billing the club for work not done or is asking for evidence of where the money went if the agents say they weren't the recipients of the money.

I believe the amounts involved are £600k in the case of the Stephen Caulker signing and £300k in the case of the Peter Odemwingie signing.Neither player was subsequently sold at a loss, so I am unclear where a claim quoted in the media at £10m comes from.
Exactly Keith, I can't believe that we are looking at £10 million worth of "extra costs", in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the two payments to agents you mention were part of those reported fees of £8.5 million and £2.5 million respectively.