It must be either 37 or 38 years to the day that I went to the Old Hope pub on North Road for a lunchtime Christmas drink with a group of colleagues from Companies House. As the statute of limitations has probably run out on the crime now, I feel reasonably safe in admitting that it was me who knicked the metal tray that the landlady served us a round with that day.

I fell in love with that tray the first time I saw it, because it had the name of every Brains pub around at the time. There must have been at least a hundred names on there and it became my ambition to have a pint in all of them - I think I made it to about 80 per cent of them.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that I've just watched a programme on IPlayer about Christmas records from the 80s and included in it was this video - always preferred the Yazoo version myself.

which was shot in a pub which Sara Cox called something like the Parrot and Whippet, but I noticed that the beer pumps had the Brains Dragon on them.

Now, I'm fairly sure that this is one of the twenty per cent of Brains pubs I never visited, because I can't recognise it (just for a second or two, I thought it might actually have been the bar in the Hope, but it's much too big) - any one recognise it?