I decided in January things had to change, starting to tire easily, taking a lot on in work and just didn't feel right.
I've worked away for 20 years, lived mon to Friday in hotels and eating take aways and about 4-6 pints a night.
Doctor sent me for blood test and I had low folic acid and NO vitamin B12 in me.
Only time I ate veg was at home on a Sunday.

On twitter, I follow all the snooker players, and ronnie o'sullivan keeps banging on about his personal trainer in Essex. I looked on his website and he does online training.
Called him up and purchased for 40 quid , a personalised training plan, that I can do in hotel rooms, excersises to suit me, a food plan, that is suited for working away, like scrambled eggs and mushrooms for breakfast in my digs, and the best foods to eat from kebab shops, Indians, Chinese etc.
Given up smoking, drink 4 pints of water a day, do my room excersises mon weds Fri, and go running with my dog sat and sun.

3 months in, Its the best thing I've ever done, I've not felt down or lethargic in 3 months now, it's by far the fittest I've felt since leaving school, I'd also say it's the best way to give up fags, cos I've given up and altered so much, the fags are the least thing I miss, it's a good chip sandwich with butter running down my arm I'm missing.
There's plenty of foods though that I'm enjoying, the only thing I don't like on my plan is avocado, but 2 a week I can stomach.

Has anyone ever done a lifestyle change , how are you getting on?